Summer Tales – Bodega Bay

I am recapping the three weeks of fun that I had with my family this summer.
See all related posts under the category:  summer tales.


We left San Francisco today (8/8) to head north on Highway 1.  Our plans were thwarted, though, by some mechanical issues with our brand new rental car, which spontaneously decided to not accelerate anymore when we were crossing the Bay Bridge.  Of course, I was driving (I hate when something happens with the car while I am driving – I had a tire blow out while I was driving once), so I crept along at 35 mph in the right lane until I had crossed the bridge and could pull over.

We sat in a side street underneath the Bay Bridge for another hour, on and off on the phone with National Rental Car Roadside Assistance, eventually drove the car a few more blogs to a National branch office just to waste another two precious hours to get a different car. There were only two (completely overwhelmed) employees working, the line went out the door  and the manager was completely full of himself and a jerk. I am glad I have learned to be persistent and to insist on my rights and we finally got a new car (Kia Sorrento) – though significantly smaller than the one we originally had – and could continue our travels.


Since we had already lost so much time, we had to skip our stop in Sausalito and made our way up north to Muir Beach. The weather was gorgeous and we stopped for a short walk on the beach and to enjoy the fresh ocean breeze.





Then we continued north on Highway 1, passing Stinson Beach and driving along Tomales Bay.



We arrived at Nick’s Cove right around 5:30 p.m. for an early dinner. After the eventful start of the day, we had all earned a delicious meal right on the waterfront with a beautiful view of Tomales Bay.  My Dad had steamed halibut, my Mom and Basti tried the Fish & Chips and I went for fried Monterey Sardines. Yum!








Behind the restaurant is a small pier that we used for a short after-dinner walk and to enjoy the beautiful setting of the sun.







We had to drive about another 30 minutes until we reached our accommodation for the night, the Bodega Bay Coast Inn right on the water.

Since temperatures were significantly lower on the coast than in Utah and Las Vegas, we skipped our obligatory jump in the pool and instead got some snacks and drinks at a tiny local supermarket and had a little room party instead.


….stay tuned for more.

  1. Looks wonderful! Especially the food! lol! What a bummer about the car. I know what you mean about hating it when they die when you are driving them. I was taking a drivers education class in High School and my instructors car seized up and stopped! Right in the middle of Main Street!!! Oh it was awful!

  2. Thanks a lot for letting us participate through sharing all the great pictures! :) The food looks delicious! And this car incident would have freaked me out as well. Jeez!

    Here’s to a happy week.
    Love, Nadine

  3. Seeing pictures of the beach makes me long for vacation. I didn’t get nearly enough beach time in this year and I miss it!

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