On being thankful

Source: 3.bp.blogspot.com via San on Pinterest


Today, I am thankful for…

… early morning coffee, a snuggly blanket and one of my favorite movies (“The Proposal”) on TV.

… the important people in my life – my husband, family and friends.

… our lovely apartment.

… a great job.

… being healthy.

… a wonderful niece and nephew that I can’t wait to hug again.

… the means to put a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner on the table.

… a long holiday weekend.

… personal strength and perseverance.

… technology (iPhone, Skype).

… books.

… time to unplug.

… each and every single one of you.; for taking the time to come here, to read and comment, to offer friendship, advice and understanding.

What are you thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving , peeps!


  1. Great list!! Happy Thanksgiving :)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful to be able to live my dream!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you! I love your list.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! xxx

  5. Happy Thanksgiving San! Hope it was great!

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