I am the kind of woman…

{source: uknown via San on Pinterest}


I am the kind of woman who dearly misses her piano (which is in Germany) and who wishes she could still take lessons with my 96-year old piano teacher. She’s such an inspiration!

I am the kind of woman who has way too many interests. Growing up, I tried a myriad of different hobbies, from sports to crafts to instruments,  and I never thought that this could be a problem, until I was forced to make decisions, pick one thing over another, because of financial or time constraints. I never really knew what I wanted to do when I grew up, because I had so many different ideas, so I honestly believe that instead of me picking my job, my job picked me.

I’m the kind of woman who cries easily over big things and little things, sad things and happy things, always a little bit too much emotionally invested.

I am the kind of woman who is still trying to figure out this whole thing called “adulthood”. I think I am pretty good at pretending to be good at it, but I catch myself fairly often wondering how it is possible that I am not a College student anymore.

I am the kind of woman who likes to bake and cook. While I don’t believe in stereotypical gender roles, I am definitely the boss in our kitchen.

I am the kind of woman who takes honesty over pretense any day.

I am the kind of woman who prefers a chat over a big pot of tea over going out to the bars. I am more interested in getting to know a person, not how many beers/wine/cocktails (s)he can drink.

I am the kind of woman who is by no means a clean-freak, but who likes things neat and in order. I’ve been told that this is (partly) because I am German (who knew?).

I am the kind of woman who can spend hours daydreaming of the past, recalling places, faces, smells and words spoken. I’ve always been a little bit of a nostalgic person hanging on to the past a little bit too long.

I am the kind of woman who wears her heart on her sleeve, but is still protective of certain parts of her life. Some things are better kept to myself (or a select group of people).

I am the kind of woman who thrives on anticipation. Counting down to something and relishing in the thought of what’s to come is almost better than the best surprise.

I am the kind of woman who always tends to pile up projects and commitments sky-high and then scrambles to get everything done and everybody happy. I guess I work well under pressure.


{inspired by my lovely friend Mandy}

  1. Oh I love to anticipate too! We are leaving on a cruise in 106 days 21 hours and 44 minutes!

  2. Sometimes, I still get freaked out over the fact I am not in college anymore. Like…what? How did I get so OLD?! :)

  3. Thanks for all your honesty in this post. You are an amazing women inside and out! Cheers.

  4. Great Post!
    And except the piano part (I only took a few lessons and never had a piano, but wish I would have stuck with the lessons, I love playing the piano)…it sounds like you are talking about me…honestly…

  5. Oh I love this post. I can empathize with so much you said.

    I am the kind of woman who is still trying to figure out this whole thing called “adulthood”. I think I am pretty good at pretending to be good at it, but I catch myself fairly often wondering how it is possible that I am not a College student anymore.

    This. So much.

  6. just love all of this. also, i am so incredibly nostalgic all of the time. i can’t help it at all, haha.

  7. I can see myself in all these points too. Yet I have recently asked myself: Is it good to dwell on the past? What memories do I create now? I have decided to take control, live life to the full, and trying to be happy and involved every single day.
    Once someone said, if you want to be really good at something, you have to have a little obsession about it. San, I think the fact that you are open for so many different things, all those you have tried make you a very interesting and experienced person. Some might call this adulthood ;)

  8. Love this and I agree with much of it. I’d almost always rather enjoy a quiet night in than dance the night away at a bar or lose my voice yelling across a table to a friend at a loud, dark club. And nostalgia? One of my favorite things.

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