On this last weekend

{source: my flickr}

Hey peeps, how was your weekend?

It’s hard to believe it’s Monday again already, but I won’t complain because I am taking tomorrow off to go to San Francisco. Weeee!  (The why is a topic for another post, so stay tuned for that!)


Good things this weekend:

sleeping in slightly cooler temperatures getting the errands out of the way on Friday croissants for breakfast lovely phone talk with my sister stamping and making cards writing cards for some lovely people oohing and aahing over pictures of the new baby thrift/consignment store shopping finding a cute Weaston Wear dress for $37 – what a bargain! going out for pizza playing Scrabble chocolate milk first rain of the season – it’s officially fall, you guys! coffee date with a friend


How was your last September weekend?

  1. Way busier that I would have liked. But good none the less. Anneliese has been sweeter than usual, and I’ve really enjoyed that.

  2. I raced! :) I love those little weekend recaps of yours.

  3. I still can’t get over the fact that it is fall! So crazy. I feel like SPRING just ended, ha! I’m totally enjoying this cooler weather, though! :)

    Have a wonderful time in San Francisco!

  4. I am so jealous that you get to go to San Francisco! I’ve always wanted to go there. I hope you have a great time! I spent my last September weekend running my first 5k on Saturday, followed by a 10k walk yesterday. I am sore and exhausted!

  5. sounds like a fabulous weekend to me. mine involved lots of sleeping and napping and catching up with friends and a date night with the husband, all in all lovely. just take out the allergies and it would be pure magical.

  6. i don’t think i even realized that it was the last september weekend! i can’t believe how quickly time is flying. slooooow down autumn! hope you had fun ins an fran :)

  7. It’s crazy to think that September is almost over. This year has gone by so quickly. I hope autumn takes its time and hangs around for a while. I’m really not ready for winter.

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