Oh, how Pinteresting!

I am joining Michelle from TheVintageApple.com on her feature post



today and would like to share the lovely pins that I found this week.



Source: everythingfab.com via San on Pinterest

Couldn’t agree more with this statement.


Source: flickr.com via San on Pinterest



Source: houseofturquoise.com via San on Pinterest

Love everything about this kitchen!


Source: justbesplendid.tumblr.com via San on Pinterest

Yum! That’s how I like my eggs!


Source: runningaroundintherain.tumblr.com via San on Pinterest

Zoe Deschanel – pretty as always!


Those are my pins for the week! All pins are, of course, via MyPinterest.

Do you need a Pinterest account? Let me know and I send you an invite!

Are you participating in Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesdays? Make sure you link up on Michelle’s blog.

Happy Wednesday and happy pinning!


  1. I love that kitchen. What a happy place! I want!!

  2. I love that saying. I don’t have a pintrest but send me an invite? I need something else to distract me from time to time. =)

  3. Trust me. Stainless Steel is not a great thing. Real pain to keep clean and polished!~

    1. I have to disagree. It mostly depends on what type of stainless steel you buy. There is stainless steel with a anti-fingerprint layer on top that keeps appliances clean. I see those everywhere these days.

  4. Omg!!! Love all of your pins!!! I am a sucker for cute animal pictures, especially kittens. Oh and that kitchen is heavenly ;-)

  5. Pinterest is literally my crack – I’m so addicted! BUT you have ADORABLE pins – lovin’ all of these! Who doesn’t love Zooey and that is TOTALLY how I eat my eggs too :D

  6. I love that first quote about making it count!!! SO TRUE! Thank you so much for linking up today!!!!!!

  7. I haven’t been on Pinterest in a while – time to pay it a visit again. :)

    I adore that kitchen too. When will we see your new kitchen?

  8. That kitchen is amazing! And the kitty is so cute!!!
    Hope you had a wonderful day sista! Hugs xxx

  9. Pretty pictures, thanks for sharing!! I love Zoey, it’s really hard to not get bitter while looking at her, right? Just kidding…


  10. I’d like to officially second Stefanie’s question: what’s your new kitchen like? :)

    Pinterest is starting to really eat up more of my time than it should! I didn’t really understand the point of it at first but now I can’t stop browsing through all the pretty and inspirational things. Heh.

    Also, I now want a little cat. Thanks for that. :P

  11. I’m always the last to jump on these bandwagons. But this is one that I’ve been holding back from for a while. But you darn you guys all make it look sooo fun!
    Love that pic of Zooey, she is just gorgeous!

  12. I love that kitchen! So cheery and soft and fun. And pinterest – it’s like crack. I need my fix.

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