Friday Link Love

Here are my favorite blog posts of this week again. Enjoy!

12 ways to take beautiful photos on your iPhone by Chantelle (Fat Mum Slim).

23 candles: a handful of pearls from the 22 women who took my 22nd year and grew it into something memorable by Hannah Katy (As Simple As That).

It Doesn’t Look Good on Anyone by Ashley (Writing To Reach You). The one about a particular feeling.

Awesome Free Things You Should Download by Sarah (Yes And Yes). Everybody likes Freebies!

Ten Things I’ve Learned About Food Photography by Ree (The Pioneer Woman).

Being A Hard ASS In A Hammock Just Doesn’t Add Up by Chelsea (Chelsea Talks Smack). On being in the moment.

Two stories about karma by Jessica (Everyday Adventures). Do you believe in karma?

Where I live by Amber (Moose in the Kitchen). A tribute to San Francisco.


Any blog posts that you’d like to recommend to me this week?
Happy Friday!


  1. Love this feature, I read it every time and again and again find some awesome stuff, thank you!

  2. Ah, thanks for including me!

  3. Love the first link – I’m obsessed with iPhone-ography! Happy weekend San! :)

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