Currently Vol. 5

Morning Tea? {source}

Current Book(s):  Does the IKEA catalog count? ;)

Current Playlist: Country Station.

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: BBQ chips.

Current Color: Yellow.

Current Drink:  Coffee.

Current Food: Tomato-Goat-Cheese-Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette – holy heaven.

Current Favorite Show: How do I look? (I mostly have nothing in common with the people on the show, although I do think I could need a little help in the fashion department sometimes… so, I am just using the show as a form of inspiration!)

Current Wishlist:  A bike. A new computer.

Current Needs: Some time to relax. The move is done, but there is still so much to do.

Current Bane(s) of my Existence: Time management. I swear, I used to be good at this, but right now I feel like I am not using my time wisely enough at all.

Current Celebrity (Girl) Crush: Meg Ryan. The pre-cosmetic surgery Meg Ryan. I watched ‘Sleepless in Seattle’ this weekend and couldn’t help but notice how adorable she used to be.

Current Outfit: Jeans, cardigan, flats.

Current Excitement: Making a new home! I’ve spent most of my weekend unpacking boxes, throwing stuff away (which I should have thrown out before the move) and trying to figure out which pieces of new furniture I want for our new place. I would really love to get a Papasan chair and I might have the perfect little corner for it, too :) Oh, and did I mention that my parents are going to be here in 68 days?

Current Link: I keep talking about the fact that I’d like to use my camera more. Since I just recently purchased a 50mm lens, I rediscovered this website and can’t wait to put my camera to use!

*  *  *

What’s up with you CURRENTLY?


  1. 1. BBQ chips is my current guilty pleasure too! Yumm!

    2. I’m so excited for you to see your parents soon…that’ll be so much fun for them to see your new place.

    3. YAY, finally you got a 50mm lens! :)

  2. Well, my current outfit is the same, my current needs as well! My current wishlist, well, a new bike is what I want as well!
    So happy for you to see your parents soon! I bet you are super excited! Yay!!
    Have a fab week Suesse! xxx

  3. I’ve gotten into the habit of having BBQ chips with lunch almost every day. They’re so good!

  4. yellow is always my current color, it’s just the best. and i’ve been on a quite a country music kick lately too, it’s pretty funny actually. also i’m currently into superhero movies, i can’t stop watching them, it’s so weird but just so good!

  5. I used to watch HOW DO I LOOK when it was on TLC. Now that we just have basic cable I can’t watch it any longer. :(
    Anyway….congrats on the new place and all the best.

  6. Hey gorgeous…. must be bbq chip month – I had some last night while watching Amazing race (my new fave show lol)

    Hey – I need your new home addy so I can send your journal :-) and can you email it to my new email addy as I can’t access hotmail at work (how rude)!!!

    Majorly excited about your new place but even more excited about your parents visiting! I know you will have a blast xoxoxox

  7. Are we eating the same Tomato-Goat-Cheese-Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette?! Did you make the dressing I told you about? DID YOU LOVE IT? Haha.

  8. Tomato-Goat-Cheese-Salad sounds heavenly…
    I’m currently enjoying the last weeks of student life, before the “real life” starts…

  9. Oh my word I looooove the Papasan chairs. When I finally moved into the bigger room in our WG, the first thing I had my Dad do was bring my papasan chair. Its so comfy and I could lounge in it all day!!!Hope you find one soon!!!Can’t wait to see more pics of the apartment, the first peek you showed us looked already stunning!

  10. I just found your blog, it super cute. I will be following you for sure. Congrats for having foud a new home! =)

  11. How Do I Look is always entertaining when I come across it because of the crazy get-ups the people normally wore. I always thought the friends and family were a little brutal though. I’d be mad if someone took all of my favorite clothes and threw them away! lol

    Hope you enjoy your new 50mm! I’m sure you will :)

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