Recipe: Vanillekipferl

{via my flickr}


It’s the 1st of Advent today (oops) next weekend, you guys. And although I know that for some of you it’s still a little early to talk about Christmas, I thought it would still be a good time to share one of my favorite Christmas cookie recipes with you. It’s a recipe that has been in our family for a few generations and it’s not Christmas without some of those delicious cookies.

What are your favorite holiday cookies?

  1. Hi San,

    I don’t like to be the “I know it all” (“Besserwisser”), but you are a week early…. I have a German calendar and the 1 Advent is next Sunday, 28 November.

    Huh… glad I have another week to bake my cookies. I wish I could steal and try one of the Kipfel of your plate, while I catch up on your blog. They look so delicious!!!

    The cookies I am going to bake are:

    Kokosmakronen (Coconut Macaroon)
    and of course Vanillekipfel. But I make mine with Haselnüsse (Hazelnuts)instead of Almonds.

    You should feel good to be ahead of the game ;))

  2. was gonna be a smartass, too, but kathrin was faster. next week is 1st of advent. ;) phew, i almost whipped out my advent wreath!

  3. :) my favorites are vanillekipferl and schoggifrätzli!

  4. Ooh, those look delicious! I must admit I’m more of a cupcake baker around the holidays – I love adding all the sprinkles and doing the decorations :)
    .-= Emily Jane blogged this: Bodies =-.

  5. looks lecker. i think i’m gonna try those this year, too. always loved to eat them but never made them myself before. hmmmm….
    .-= kim blogged this: happy 40th big brother and a disclaimer =-.

  6. or, we’ll bake them together when you come! <3
    .-= kim blogged this: happy 40th big brother and a disclaimer =-.

  7. those look good, i could probably eat the entire plate of them
    .-= olivia blogged this: The morning routine =-.

  8. I already baked two batches this year. As we are moving this weekend I probably won’t have much time to bake in the next week and I wanted to have some christmas cookies like every year so I stared early. Hubby and kids love them and the first batch was gone within a week, the second one is also already half gone after onla a few days. Yummy!

  9. These look DELICIOUS! Think they would hold up in the mail? ;) hahaha. I’m definitely going to make some this year!! Mmm.
    .-= Holly blogged this: Lightning CAN strike the same place twice =-.

  10. These look awesome! My all time Christmas favorites are ginger bread cookies, absolutely love them!
    .-= Polin blogged this: The best week ever! =-.

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