Wow. Let this sink in for a minute.
I know I had a few months to get used to the fact that I live in LA now, but seriously… it’s a little overwhelming that this landmark up there is about a 20 minute drive away from my apartment.
I’ve seen it quite a few times before, but today was the first time that I actually stopped to look at it – and take “photographic evidence”.
Today I was a “tourist in my own city”!

I took Santa Monica Blvd. and drove all the way east… I stopped at a little mall on the way to do some shopping and couldn’t resist and got this cute purse [the same purse I got my sister for our birthday, by the way ;) twins need to have the same stuff *haha*].

Then I went to Hollywood Blvd to do some sight-seeing tourist-style :) I walked along the “Walk of Fame”, but didn’t make the effort to look for any stars of certain actors – that would have taken the whole day ;)

At the Kodak theater, which is part of a shopping and entertainment complex, I took the picture of the Hollywood sign and also bought an “early” birthday present from Jon for myself at Victoria’s Secret :)
Afterwards I walked over to “Grauman’s Chinese Theater” which hosted the Academy Awards Show the other week. Yep, like I said, the whole thing happened in my “backyard” ;)
You know, usually it feels kind of weird taking pictures of where you live, but I didn’t feel too bad taking pictures there, because there were so many tourists around.
In front of the theater, the foot- and handprints of famous actors are imbedded in cement, for example Johnny Depp’s :)

I then drove back to Santa Monica to do a little more shopping at the 3rd Street Promenade. I got some cute shorts, tops and cool sunglasses ;) It’s nice to be treated for a shopping spree for your birthday. I like that!

Tomorrow it’s off to Sacramento for the weekend. I am looking forward to being back in Sac, spending time with my friend Ilka [who now is so lucky to live there ;)] and seeing my former boss. I’ll catch you later ;)

  1. Uhhh awesome – Sacramento for the weekend! You must be soooo happy! Can understand ya ;-)

    Like the sunglasses by the way!!

    Miss ya and enjoy your birthday!!!!!!!!!!

  2. i am SO jealous! i HAVE to see LA some time SOON!
    miss you tons, sweety! *smooch*

    PS: i just signed up here yesterday. you should check it out, too :)

  3. What a cool backyard !!! :-)

  4. hey sweetie,
    sorry i missed so much entries. not feeling too well at the moment. it’s so funny when you discribed where you took the pic of the hollywood letters, because i did it on the bridge of the kodak theatre mall;-) hehe… i had to smile of that cute lil purse you got for yourself and nina, because it really represents you:-) sending a big smooch to you.

  5. Nice! I did a kind of touristy tour through Berlin with my friend Tanisha one day and it was so much fun. You go by there every day but you never really pay attention. YAY for the shopping! Good for you, hun!

  6. Oh it has to be amazing!! You lucky thing you!

  7. Nice little backyard you’re having there! Brings me so totally into a holidaymood! And the trip to Sacramento is such a great birthdaytreat! Enjoy it sweety!

  8. gosh, i am sooo jealous. i really really would love to live there. my big dream is to work at ELLEN’s show one day. :) then i would be working in your backyard. enjoy the weekend love. i know i know whats coming up!! hehe. love ya

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