NaBloPoMo Finale

So this is it. Day 30 of NaBloPoMo and I made it, although this month has been so busy for me and full of life changing events.
I’ve been here in Southern Cali with my hubby for exactly 8 days now and surely but slowly the apartment is transforming from a ‘bachelor’s den’ into a cozy place. I like it. I feel I belong here. As soon as I win the lottery, which I have to start playing for this to happen!, I want to buy new furniture, new sheets, new curtains, new accessories, but for now, I think I am going to be ok with what we have, and for which I am very grateful :)

I brought a few things from home, which make the place feel a lot more “homey” to me. The new sheets that I bought at Ikea [in Germany] fit our bed really well and I can’t wait until all the rest of my stuff has been unpacked and stowed away. You still have to wait a little longer for some pictures, but I am getting there!
J also had gotten this really cute desk for me at Pier 1 Imports [when he was still working there last summer] and he had been luring me with it all summer, as if this had any influence on my return to the US whatsoever ;) I really love! it though. It’s beautiful and it’s just the right size for my notebook and me!

Here’s to all the great people who persevered and stuck to blogging every single day for the month of November. It has truly been a blast and I had some much fun using the NaBloPoMo randomizer and checking out your blogs.

I can’t wait for next year’s challenge!

  1. YAY! CONGRATS ! I am participating in Holidalies for December….:) I am so happy for you two. Making a home is a wonderful experience. :) Bit by bit.

    PS: I find the clearance sections at Target AMAZING sometimes. I found some incredible bargains there (end of isles section, ya know). :)

  2. i wanna see them pics of your place really badly!
    glad to hear you feel good!
    have a wonderful weekend!

  3. So good to hear that you feel good and belonging in your new life! Can’t wait to see the pics of the transforming apartment! Have a great weekend sweets!

  4. Wow, all through this busy month you kept blogging! Wow!
    I#m glad you feel at home there. That’s always so important. *smoochie*

  5. I wasn’t an official member of the blogging every day group, but unless I am half dead I blog. In fact I think I have only missed two days this year.
    So glad to hear you are home and happy with your hubby!

  6. hey sweetie, isn’t it so great to create a new place and make it feel home? i love to do that. of course, winning the lottery makes it a lot easier;-) but like you i never played it and still expect to win:P i am sure j appreciates also for making a new home, his wife to be there:-D
    take good care sweetie

  7. Glad to see you’re settling in there! You must be so happy to finally be home with your husband! :)

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