My weekend

I visited my former piano teacher on Friday. It was her birthday and she turned 93! You wouldn’t believe how well she is doing for her age. I am always pleasantly surprised when I see her. I stopped taking piano lessons in 2001 when I left for my exchange program in CA, but I have visited her whenever I came back home.
She lives in an apartment on the second floor and has to use the stairs. As she was walking up the stairs behind me [in like a pretty quick pace], she sighed “I really need to get an elevator soon”. I had to answer that with a smile, because I can only hope I will be half as agile as she is if I ever turn her age.

I stayed for a glass of sparkling wine and we caught up on the latest news :) She wanted to hear all about the wedding and I told her everything about it. I really need to see her again before I leave for the US.

The weekend was pretty low key. I spent quite a bit of time fixing up this website again [and I can only hope that it won’t have any more troubles with the server] and I watched half of the first Dawson’s Creek-season :) I love that show. I always wanted to start over and watch every single episode from the beginning to the end. So I started on Friday!
Today I went out with my parents for a while and I took my camera… you never know what you get to see when you’re on the road ;) Have a look here.

  1. Woohoo, I can see your site!

    Sounds like your former piano teacher is doing just fine for her age!

  2. I just saw you have your own site now with a domain. Awesome! I added it to my blogroll. :)

    Those pictures are really pretty. I also like taking my camera with me wherever I go, because there have been too many occasions I didn’t have it with me, and wished I did.

  3. Hey,
    first of all thanks so much for adding me to your list!=) And second thanks so much for your sweet comment! I know that it is a once in a lifetime experience and I try to appreciate it but its not so easy sometimes! ;) I hope you and Jon get to be together really soon!My fingers are crossed!!

  4. Yay, it’s back!
    Wow, your piano teacher sure doesn’t sound like 93. Awesome!!! And to think that she still gave lessons when she was 88! Awesome!

  5. oh i’m glad you finally got your site back up and running. did you loose a lot of entries? hopefully that was a one-time-down. your pian-teacher sounds cool, i’m glad you got a chance to catch up. it must be great for her to be able and watch her students grow up :)

    *smooch* and HDGDL

  6. wow 93!!! it makes me happy …wow 93!! awww i watched every episode of Dawsons Creek. it was my favourite show! and now take a look at Katie Holmes and whos this guys name? oh let me think..idk but its sad!

  7. I love the story about your piano teacher, she sounds awesome! Liked the pics, too, I shot a steeple pic Sunday as well LOL!

  8. Da bist du ja wieder :-D — würd gern mal mir dir quatschen, wann hast du Zeit?? Drück, Susi

  9. Wow! Those tree arches are beautiful. I assume they’re man-made?

  10. I loooove Dawson’s Creek. I used to cry at least once during every episode.

    It’s great when people at that age (93!!!) are able to live on their own and get around. I hope she’ll live until she’s 100!

  11. Wow… look at that! A whole new site! How did you do it?
    … and you are welcome for the postcard!! :D

  12. why did you change your website from xanga? looks good though. just wonder why.
    honey we need to talk finally again;-)
    your piano teacher seems to be a really cool agile old lady. amazing. i doubt we will be that fit when we are 93;-) love ya

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