

  1. Congrats! :D Have you set a date yet? And when do you want to get married?

  2. wooooohooooo. congratulations, Sannie. tell us all about it!!! this is exciting!

  3. What? Who? Where? When? What are you gonna wear? What colour will your bouquet be? Will you have chicken or fish for the wedding dinner? Ahhhhh, I’m hyperventilating! ;-) I loooooooove wedding news! Fat congrats from me, sweetheart! *Hugs* Ellen *doingthesnoopydance*

  4. i am so happy for you!!! i really mean it!!! :-)

  5. Congrats, hun! Wish I could be there on your very special day. LOVE YOU with all my heart {v}

  6. Congratulations!!!!!!!!! I am happy for you (and for Jon :-) ) – tell us everything!

  7. oh my gosh, i am sitting here and i am actually crying. so happy for you hun!!!!! how exciting is that!!!!!!!!! love you

  8. awwwwwwwwww OMG Im soo happy for you guys!!!!!!

  9. come on tell us about it already! we are waiting!! :-)

  10. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh my god! that is sooooo wonderful! congrats to you and your hun! i love those kind of news! and now … where? when? tell us everything about it!!! :-)

  11. Supiiii….Glueckwunsch zur “Verlobung”. Wann ist es denn soweit???

  12. okay, even though i knew it :-) i still have to comment on this one: CONGRATULATIONS HUN, I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO AND IT’S GOING TO BE GREAT! SO EXCITING!!

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