photo credit: @uns__nstudio via Unsplash I might not listen to many podcasts, but I like the idea of listening to podcasts. I just don’t make enough time for it. This post is not about podcasts, but it could be. Kae recently shared that she listens to The Lazy Genius and that...
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I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2023 in my (old) office Some of you have asked what I do as a geographer and I think it’s a valid question that we have for most people. What do you do for 8-10...
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photo credit: Green Chameleon via Unsplash My friend Lisa recently shared a post about what she had learned from tracking her time for a week (and then Stephany followed) and you guys, I can’t lie, it got me super-intrigued. Not just because I am a sucker for data + spreadsheets,...
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