Best weekend in a long time

Mmh, since when am I getting excited about the usual weekend errands? Did I develop a passion for cleaning, grocery shopping and doing laundry?
No, not really. Although that had to be done, too, and I usually don’t mind.

I had an appointment at the hair salon on Friday and got my layers trimmed [almost trimmed a little bit too much] and some new color. You can see the results here.
I also went to the City Hall to get a residential parking permit. Like in LA, the street we live on has 2-hour parking limit on weekdays, but unlike LA, as a resident you can actually get a permit that allows you to park all day [as it should be!].

What made the weekend the “best weekend in a long time” is that J and I spontaneously went on a trip, even though not with an overnight stay, but still… it was fantastic.
We got up bright and early on Sunday and headed towards SF. We had a yummy (!) breakfast at the Rockridge Café in … have a guess… Rockridge [which is right next to Berkeley] and then took the BART [Bay Area Regional Transit] into SF. MUCH nicer than driving the car into SF and such a quick ride. 20 minutes, not even, and we were in the heart of the city.
The weather was beautiful. Clear, blue, sunny skies with some cooler winds. We walked all the way from Embarcadero along the Piers to Fisherman’s Wharf.

Our Sunday walk [and back!] :) 


A lot of people were out and everybody seemed to be in a fantastic mood… and so were we :)
We enjoyed the view, the atmosphere and just the moment. I call this “mini-vacation”.

After some drinks at Hooters *haha*, we had thought about taking the tram back to the BART station, but then decided that it was just too nice to not walk and took a quiet street through the Financial District back to Market Street.
Damn, we counted like 8 (!) Starbucks coffee shops along that street alone, but what felt kind of odd was that they were all closed and that the whole area seemed totally deserted. That’s the “busy financial district” on a Sundays for you :)
There we were in a bustling big city, but between the skyscrapers it was all quiet and peaceful.

Market Street 

Transamerica Pyramid 

We made it back to Sacramento by 7 p.m. and watched two more episodes of X-Files before we crashed into bed… tired, but happy :)

See all photos here.

  1. Beautifull day! Glad you had a good weekend. Smooches

  2. Ah, that looks so nice. I envy you guys a lot.
    I hope to visit the West Coast next year, but who knows what happens,…

  3. wow, it looks like a GREAT weekend. i’m so happy you got “away” on that little trip to “fuel up” a bit. SF is just an awesome city! :)

  4. first of all i like your new haircut and i don’t think it is too short. looks good. that trip really sounded great and i am all jealous for the nice weather. great pics:-)

  5. What a lovely day you had! And I just love your new haircut! I go next week for a little tune up! LOL

  6. oh that sounds like a lovely way to spend a sunday!!!Seems like you guys had a great time! I love taking mini vacations, such a nice break from the daily routine!

  7. wow what a lovely trip! awesome!! hopefully soon you can write about a trip to us! :) big hug

  8. die fotos sind TOLL, ich bin ganz neidisch!!!

  9. Wow…those photos are great! Sounds like you guys had an awesome Sunday!

    I miss SF! Last year I went there twice and this year it looks like I won’t get to got there at all. But who am I to complain, Boston’s great, too…right? :)
    And yes, you’ll totally have to visit!

    PS: Good girl for using Google Maps in your post! :)

  10. Looks like you guys had a great time!! I just realized it’s been almost 8 years since I’ve been to SF! I guess it’s time to plan a trip there…. maybe next year?!

    Love your haircut!! It looks really great!

  11. Haha, I remember all those closed Starbucks. I dispise those 8-5 districts. So boring after work…
    What a nice little get away!
    I love your short hair!

  12. very pretty pictures of SF. Love this city!! Cheers from Ireland! :)

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