Five Things Friday Vol. 101 [on a Saturday]

Five Things Friday: just five things I’m thinking about or things that made my week, or things that I otherwise feel like sharing.

Earlier this week, it was my 23rd California-versary. I shared a post last year and didn’t want to reiterate what I wrote then, but I do always acknowledge the day that put me out of my comfort zone and eventually changed the trajectory of my life.

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Did you watch the Presidential Debate on Tuesday? I don’t blame you if you had reasons why you didn’t. I, however, wanted to tune in (mainly to see how Kamala Harris would cut Donald Trump down to size, and boy did she). She had such a clever way of baiting him, and to nobody’s surprise whatsoever, he took the bait every single time. She really beat him with his own tactics because Trump is usually the one who tries to rile people up with his nasty name calling. She wasn’t having any of it. And at the end of the night, the endorsement from Taylor Swift. BOOM. Perfectly timed.

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I found out this week that a colleague nominated me for a ‘Special Thanks for Achieving Results’, in short, STAR award at work.1 The way I found out was a little awkward. I had a notice in my personnel file for a cash award and had no idea why I received that. When I inquired with my supervisor, he told me about the STAR award and even read the very nice words that the other colleague wrote about me (which was very nice to hear. I don’t know when or if someone would have told me, if I hadn’t asked.) Poor communication will be the downfall of society, peeps. You heard it here first.

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I don’t know if I mentioned it, but I received a spot for the “leadership class” that my mentor suggested and that I was on the waiting list for. I’ll be going to Denver, CO at the beginning of October for a two-day workshop and I am super-excited. Another colleague (who is in my research group is going as well, so we’ll be traveling together. I get along well with her, so I am looking forward to this trip and a little bit of professional bonding time.

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I received a package from Germany this week with an unexpected gift – two beautiful, handmade knitted pot holders – from a dear Internet friend. She said she was hoping that the colorway would match my (aqua) KitchenAid and I’d argue that she picked out the colors perfectly. It was such a sweet surprise and really made my day. As Jon said so eloquently: You know the best people. (The card says “If you want to be beautiful, you have to smile.” This gift definitely put a smile on my face!)

  1. A STAR Award is used to recognize noteworthy accomplishments […] either within or outside the scope of an employee’s normal duties. Examples of situations for which it would be appropriate to give an employee a STAR Award are those in which employees: produce exceptionally high quality work under tight deadlines; perform added or emergency assignments in addition to their regular duties; or exercise extraordinary initiative or creativity in addressing a critical need or difficult problem ↩︎


  1. Congrats on getting this award and that your team member is recognizing your achievements. But I agree just finding some cash voucher is a bit awkward.

    What a lovely friend to send you a gift like that. I agree with Jon you DO know the best people.

    Have a great Sunday.

    1. Thanks friend. I mean I take the award either way, but yeah, it was a bit awkward.

  2. That is a strange way to find out about that award but how nice to be recognized by a colleague – and to get something for it! Those potholders are beautiful! It’s so nice to get an unexpected gift in the mail!!

    I did not watch the debate because I cannot stand hearing Trump talk. I was happy to hear that Kamala killed it, though!!

    1. Yeah, it was a bit odd how I found out about the award, but I was happy to receive it :)
      I don’t blame you that you didn’t watch the debate. It was cringe-worthy on Trump’s part.

  3. Yay for an award – strange to find out that way, but nice!
    Those potholders are great! What a lovely little gift.

    1. Thank you Nicole, the award was a nice surprise, as were the potholders ;)

  4. Wow, that IS weird that you were not told about the award in a normal way. Seems like whomever handles the awards should make announcements, right? My company is no better. We had layoffs recently and one of the managers only found out that two of her best people had been let go because she tried to email them and the emails bounced back. What the even?

    1. The person that nominated me for the award did email me to let me know about it but that was after I received it… so yeah, just bad communication/timing. Sounds like your company has some issues too. Yikes.

  5. Congrats on the STAR award! So odd you found out that way. And congrats on getting into the Leadership class!
    Those potholders are beautiful!

    1. Thank you :) And yeah, there was some odd communcation/timing issue.

  6. Congrats on the STAR award. That’s amazing and I’m sure 100% deserved. That’s awesome that you’re also getting to go to Denver and I hope you have a great time of “bonding”!
    The potholders are beautiful.
    I didn’t watch the debate but did read lots of recap after. Can I admit…it all makes me rather glad I don’t live in the US right now? Though Canada’s political landscape is a bit topsy turvy itself. Honestly? It kinda feels like the whole world is off-kilter politically and socially right now. Sigh. But that just makes it all the more important to celebrate and reward excellence (yay STAR awards) and practice gratitude.

    1. Thank you, I was surprised to be nominated but it felt really great to get such positive feedback for my work :)
      I agree that the world seems to be a bit upside down right now… like, everywhere. I do hope things will smooth out soon.

  7. Congratulations on the STAR award and the spot in the leadership class! What a week you had. I hope you have a good experience in Denver. My husband did a leadership course a couple years back and he learned a lot.

    1. Thank you. I am very excited to about the reward, and also about the leadership class. Happy to hear that your husband had such a good experience because I am not quite sure yet what to expect!

  8. Congratulations on your award and getting a spot in the leadership class. You are really leaning into the mentoring and work opportunities this year.

    1. Thank you so much, Melissa. I am trying hard to make some gains at work this year! :)

  9. Many congratulations on your award, San!! Much deserved I’m sure! I cannot, simply cannot watch any more politics… But I did watch snippets of the debate and she did great.

    1. Thanks so much, Daria. It was such a nice surprise to be recognized!
      I do understand why you didn’t watch the debate… it’s hard to watch for sure (but I am just so relieved that Harris did so well).

  10. Congrats on the award. It’s too bad that you weren’t celebrated in some other way, though. That’s a fun excuse for cake in my office!
    Do you think celebrity endorsements matter? I am so torn about if they do or not! (The academic literature suggests it might a little bit for voters who don’t normally participate in politics. Maybe that would be some of Swift’s fans?)

    1. Ha, cake in the office. Yeah, I would be the one bringing the cake…

      Mmh, do I think celebrity endorsement matter? I don’t know. I read that if people have a strong opinion on something, they don’t matter much, but if people are on the fence about something (or not very knowledgable about something), then the endorsement of a celebrity they like might have some weight!

  11. I didn’t watch the debate. I just can’t handle Trump and didn’t want to watch him. I listened to plenty of podcasts about it, though!

    Congrats on winning the STAR award – but what an awkward way to find out about it!

    1. I don’t blame you. Trump is hard to stomach on any regular day, even more so during a debate (but I just needed to see that Harris can cut him down to size).

      Thanks so much, the award was a really nice, unexpected surprise :)

  12. San, congrats on the STAR award!! That’s fantastic! I hate that no one communicated it to you, but what a lovely recognition of your work! I also love that you are going to get to the leadership development class.

  13. Congratulations, my friend. So well deserved with the award. You’re amazing and I’m glad that shines through at work, too. <3
    I did not watch the debate (no TV) but did read incessantly about it, soaking up every mention of her taking him down to size. I have So Many Opinions but shall keep them to myself. :)

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