Five Things Friday Vol. 109

Five Things Friday: just five things I’m thinking about or things that made my week, or things that I otherwise feel like sharing.

I am posting today to get back into the habit of posting because the longer I wait, the harder it is to get back into a blogging routine. I have a lot of things I want to share. I want to tell you about our trip to Germany, about our visit to the Christmas Market in Cologne, and Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve with my family. I want to tell you that I had the opportunity to spend time with my friend (the one with the brain tumor) and visit Ingrid again, I also got to see Tanja and Herbert, and I attended a funeral, which was sad, but got to see a bunch of my childhood friends for the occasion, which was emotional and also wonderful. I also owe you a roundup of the 9th Secret SANta Swap (thanks to everyone who sent their pictures directly to me).

*    *    * 

As of right now, I have 500+ unread entries in Feedly. This should tell you how much “out of touch” I have been in recent weeks. I can probably weed out 30% of posts without looking at them, but catching up on the rest will take a while. It’s always like that… whenever I get on top of my feed reader, something happens (vacation, illness, work, or all of the above) and BAM, I am behind again. I know what you’ll say, “Just hit the ‘mark as read’ button” on all posts and start fresh, but I can’t do that in good conscience; not for the posts from the Cool Bloggers, at least. What if I miss out on important stuff? (My plan is to get caught up with more recent posts and then work myself backward and catch up as much as I can.)

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The good news is, I am slowly feeling better. Although I’ve been easing my way back into work since Monday, I’ve been taking it easy the whole week and focused on getting as much rest as possible. I went to bed early every night (even earlier than usual). However, I attempted my first little (low-key) workout stack this morning (just some yoga and light strength work) and it feels good to be moving my body again. I won’t be doing any cardio quite yet, so I am sadly missing out on the Capstone Pelofondo this weekend, but there will be others. I still want to take it easy until I feel 100% better.

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In other good news, my mom is back home from the hospital as well and other than being prescribed rest (and better stress management), she’s doing fine. I am so relieved. I mean, it’s true – a lot was going on in the last 6 weeks. A lot of positive things (our visit, Christmas, New Year’s, many get-togethers), but also a few negative things (a death and a funeral, the 2nd anniversary of my aunt’s death). So it’s no surprise that it was all a little much.

*    *    * 

I had planned to spend MLK Jr. weekend with Susi and some friends in Truckee and I had hoped to even go skiing for a day, but I ended up canceling the trip. I still don’t feel well enough to be around other people and need some more rest this weekend, especially since Jon and I will be traveling to SoCal to be with his mom this coming week. She’s back in the US after her hospitalization in the UK and feels a bit stronger again but still feels a little rattled by the whole experience and needs someone around. So off we go.

I hope for things to get back to normal around here soon.
Have a good weekend, friends. 


  1. Such a good point re: the longer it takes to get back into writing, friction keeps building up and it seems even harder. I started doing a short daily writing challenge and took a break but jumped back in today (felt like an accomplishment, even if a small one). Hoping things calm down a bit and you feel better as the week progresses.

  2. 1) I’ll be here to read all about your trip to Germany whenever you have the bandwidth to write about it! No need to rush it, my friend.
    2) I know what you mean about all the unread entries. That happened to me when I went to Italy and I just read the most recent posts and then marked all as read, thinking I could come back to them later. And I did, for some!
    3) So glad you’re feeling better. Wow did that virus wipe you out.
    4) I’m glad your mom is okay!
    5) I hope you can have a restful weekend and then start to feel like you’re back to your old self. xo

  3. I am here also in the same boat on the unread entries!! I have kept up these last few weeks mostly on blogs that I am subscribed to and get in my email. The rest… I got behind on, after a very busy stretch over the holidays and then work just being really nuts these first couple of weeks. I feel bad, but I’m trying not to. I only have so much time! Currently sitting on the couch and am mostly trying to catch up on all the most “recent” posts and will do as Nicole said and just mark as read on the rest. I think it’s ok! Some seasons are busier than others and it can be hard to fit everything in.
    So glad to hear you had a wonderful trip to Germany!!

  4. Glad to both your moms are back from the hospital. Hope Jons mom will recover.
    Too bad you had to cancel your trip with the girls. It always looks like a lot of fun but getting better is key.

    I look forward to your posts about your vacation if you manage.

  5. It’s so easy to get behind on blog commenting, but you were wise to focus your attention and energy and soaking up time with family when you were in Germany. So I’m giving you permission or kind of directing you to mark all of my post as read and not to feel any pressure to comment! You were kind of caught up on the biggest update in my life, which is that I had surgery on Monday to repair that flare that I’ve struggled with since April.

    I’m glad the moms are both doing better in her out of the hospital. Was Jon’s mom alone when she was hospitalized in the UK? That must’ve been so scary.

  6. I’m glad you’re feeling better and would suggest that you comment on blog posts if/when you feel up to it. I understand about wanting to be a good blog friend, but take care of you first. Good news about the mother situation. That’s a relief, I’m sure.

  7. Sometimes the number of blogs I have to read is so stressful to me and I do just sort of start anew. I mean, it’s not a JOB, right? And it should be fun? And not stressful?

    I hope you feel 100% ASAP. There’s nothing like feeling under the weather and trying to exercise and then you feel worse. Take the time you need to be back at full strength.

  8. In the last three months, I have resorted to hitting “read all” about three times in Feedly, so count this as permission to hit read all on my blog and start fresh. I look forward to hearing about your trip to Germany once you have the time/bandwidth. sounds like you have been sensibly taking it easy after being sick, I hope you are fully recovered soon.

  9. Oh man. Sorry you had to cancel your trip this weekend. I look forward to hearing about your trip, but you can write about it in May and I’ll still be interested. I’m glad your mom and Jon’s mom are doing better, but that is scary. As far as my posts go, I don’t think you have missed anything pressing. I will not be offended if you skip what you haven’t read. Do not worry about it. Seriously. If you read something and need to go back to something I’m referencing then I’ll link to it. I’m glad your feeling better.

  10. I completely understand how the Feedly pressure can feel like yet another pressure! Blogs are fun, but it CAN start to feel like work. No judgement either way. Clicking Mark All As Read? Great choice! Picking away at things a little at a time? Great choice. Just…do what feels right <3

    I'm glad health things are improving across the board but what a hard way to start the new year :( Take good care, my friend <3

  11. I feel like if I get even a few days behind commenting, things get OUT OF CONTROL. I think you should feel no guilt at all of marking all blogs as read. We understand! But I know it’s hard to hit that button.
    I’m glad things are on the upswing after a really hard start to the year. <3

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