Tuesday Morning Coffee Chat

photo credit: @gaellemarcel via Unsplash

Hello from the other side. I am finally emerging from the physical and emotional toll of the last few weeks. I was gone for work at the beginning of October and then we moved the following weekend. Fortunately, I got October, 14th (Columbus/Indigenous People’s Day) off and then I took two extra days of leave to complete the moving process. We only moved 2 miles away, I don’t know how people do long-distance moves where they have to pack up everything. This was already so exhausting, even though we had access to both places for a few days and were able to move quite a bit of stuff in our car.

The movers came on Monday and then I spent 7+ hours in our duplex the next day to clean everything. It was a workout, let me tell you. I didn’t think it would take that long but I was very diligent. German thoroughness, I suppose. Hey, at least I got our full deposit back (which was the point).

We’ve been in our new place for two weeks now, but it feels shorter because we’re still not fully unpacked. I’ve only managed to get the kitchen unpacked and other necessities (like toiletries and clothing). I want to organize where I put the rest of our stuff (instead of just piling and “hiding” everything in the closets) but that will take a little time. On top of that, I’ve been trying to keep up with my marathon training, get some sleep (I am so tired!), make time to celebrate Jon’s birthday (which was on the 18th), attend a farewell Happy Hour for my supervisor, and spend time with some girlfriends on an overnight trip to Truckee last weekend.

And let’s not talk about the added anxiety that comes with election day (here in the US) being only a week away. My nerves are a bit frazzled right now.

I’ll tell you more about the move and our new place in a separate post, but I wanted to check in with you and also give you a quick update regarding Feedly just before we head into NaBloPoMo and November. It appears – at least for me – that the WebSub plugin that Elisabeth recommended to me, is working. However, it will (currently?) only work if you’re subscribed to http://www.theinbetweenismine.com/feed.

In my process of trying to figure out the RSS issue, I have subscribed to three slightly different URLs that all redirect to my blog but they all behave differently at different times (which means, they pull feed at different times, become “unreachable” at times, and then magically start working again). I am not sure why adding the ‘www’ or using https vs http makes a difference but it does.

The URLs  https://theinbetweenismine.com/feed and http://theinbetweenismine.com/feed currently appear as “unreachable” for some reason. So, if you’re using one of those, no feed are being pulled right now. It’s still a mystery to me why this is happening and why the different URLs are behaving differently, but the first one (in bold) seems to update in Feedly almost instantly right now if you want to give this one a try.

Happy Tuesday, friends.

  1. Wow you have been busy. I’m glad your move happened fairly smoothly and good luck finishing the job.

    I haven’t been getting your posts in feedly but I’ve just changed to this new feed link and it has downloaded your posts so hopefully it will keep working. Thanks for letting us know.

  2. Moving is INTENSE. Congrats on being on the other side of it – and getting your security deposit back. I’m sure that your former landlords are glad that they put in the new tiles;-)

    All of this fatigue sounds like your marathon training is working!

  3. Just reading I feel tired. San, I think you need a break. Wow… how to you manage. I hope some quieter days are headed your way.

    Good luck on all the sorting and tidying. I had high aspirations when we moved but at some point you just want to get it out of the box and in some place. Hope you are not getting there.

    I feel you on the cleaning. We did with our first apartment we moved out and we even had to clean the radiators and paint the insides of the window. I was so annoyed by that. The second apartment we sent the robot vac through and I superficially cleaned the bathroom and we were out. I did’t care much.

  4. That new feed works for me as well in Feedly. Argh. What a frustrating road with RSS feeds.
    You have so much on the go. As I was reading this post I kept thinking: I’d love to come over and help you unpack and bring you a cup of coffee and give you a long hug <3 It is so much work to do all these things. I hope you get to have a breather soon.

  5. Ugh. Moving is exhausting. I’m glad you’re getting settled in your new place. It’s a process. You have been so busy. 7 hours of cleaning – I’m surprised they didn’t give you your deposit back and a few of your neighbor’s deposits too.

  6. Your feed is still showing as unreachable in Feedly for me, even when I try to put in the new feed URL, though it seems to be working for other people so maybe I’m doing something wrong! How frustrating this process has been for you, though. I can’t believe you’re STILL having RSS issues, argh.

    Hooray for moving but yes, it is so exhausting. I find the “cleaning the old apartment” process to be SO tiresome, but that’s probably because it comes on the heels of the exhausting moving process!

    1. Mmh, does any variation of this URL show as ‘unreachable’ for you right now? Did you make sure you put in the complete address as written here: http://www.theinbetweenismine.com/feed? I know a little about the tech stuff but not enough to understand why these variations behave differently. Frustrating.

  7. Moves can be rough, but I’m glad you got through yours! We moved a few months ago and we still have boxes to unpack. It seems like it’s never ending! It doesn’t help that we’ve been doing some renovations and have had workers in and out frequently.. we’ve currently got cabinet refinishers, but they’re about done and that’s the last major thing on the to-do list. I’m so excited for the updates, but I’m even more excited to feel moved in completely! Congrats on the new move!

  8. Moving is so hard! It’s so interesting how much we accumulate over time. But, hopefully your new place is just right and feels like home soon!

  9. I am glad I thought to look at your blog! I was not getting any posts and put the new feed in my Feedly. Fingers crossed!

  10. I’ve moved a few blocks and across the country, and I think the dribble drabble of a few blocks is more difficult. I’d rather pack everything and be done with it. So if you’re tired, you’ve earned it. PLUS of course, Marathon training, and everything else that you have going on. I hope you had fun in Truckee, that sounds like fun. <3
    I hope the new Feedly link works for you. I just click on my blogroll, old school, so I didn't notice.

  11. Yes to J’s comment! In-town moves are HARDER because they just keep stretching out. When you move states, it’s just a one and done! You’re doing great with so much on your plate!

  12. I was wondering why you haven’ posted for a while. Ah… you were moving, no wonder. moving takes a lot of mental and physical energy with the packing and unpacking. We had movers to pack everything but unpacking is a big headache for me. I remember when we moved to Jakarta, when all the shipment came, I decided to go to office and let the helper and husband figure it out. I couldn’t deal with it.
    hope you sort things out quickly.
    and is there email subscription I can do to make sure I get your posts? Feedly is not working.

  13. Well, Feedly gave me a whole bunch of your posts today, so I am commenting all out of order! But hopefully going forward, it will give them to me as you post. Technology!

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