The 8th Annual Secret SANta Swap – Reveal

I am so excited to finally share the 8th annual Secret SANta Swap 2023 with you. Like NaBloPoMo, the Secret Santa Swap was well received and we had 21 (!) participants this time. I was so delighted that so many people were interested in spreading a little holiday goodness. I am also thrilled that everybody received their packages and it all went off without a hitch. Thank you all so much for being great team players and following through! You made this holiday season that much brighter for everyone.

I have to admit, a little part of me was very excited to see that even though I changed the swap to a “Favorite Things” swap, quite a few of you sent/received some beautiful mugs. I didn’t ask for a mug this year for this swap (gasp! Can you believe it?), but ended up getting not one, but two mugs from other people for Christmas. So it’s all good!

Here are the other mugs + goodies that were swapped this year. You all went above and beyond and put together some great surprise packages. This is once again proof that I have the best community here! Thank you so much, you’re all amazing!

I tagged the recipients (not the senders) of the packages in the captions. Maybe you’ll find a new blog or Instagram account you’d like to follow.

Kim | Tobia | Tanja

Nicole | Elisabeth | Anne

Engie | Ernie | Sarah

San | Jenny | Golda

Meike | Penny | Kathrin

Lindsay | Daria | Stephany

Caroline | Sarah | Julie

I hope you all loved what you received and enjoyed participating in the swap! I also appreciated that many of you shared their swaps on your blogs and Instagram during the holiday season.

 Until next time, friends!

  1. My new mug is now my favorite for tea and chai latte. Just love it.
    Already excited for the next secret SANta swap :)

    1. I am so happy to hear this.
      The size is so good for a big cup of tea.

    2. So happy to hear that :)

  2. CUUUTE!!! Loved doing this so much!!

    1. Thanks so much for joining this year :)

  3. I really enjoyed doing this!

    1. Thanks so much for participating this year :)

  4. This was fun, I really enjoyed it. Thank you again for planning and organizing it!

    1. Thank you for being part of it again :)

  5. This was so fun and I just LOVE participating each year. Thanks for hosting again <3

    1. Thanks so much for joining again this year :)

  6. I love everything about this post. You’re such a great organizer, San!

  7. This was my first year participating and it was so fun! Thanks for organizing, San!

    1. Thanks so much for joining this year :)

  8. I love my gift so much and it makes me smile every time I open the closet and of course when wearing.

    1. So happy to hear this :)

  9. This was my first year participating and it was a lot of fun. Thanks for organizing.

    1. Thanks so much for joining this year :)

  10. SO fun!! I was not organized enough to participate…. maybe next time ;) What a great haul of gifts everyone got and gave!

    1. Thanks Kae! Maybe next time!

  11. This is one of my new favorite Christmas traditions. Thanks, as always, for hosting!

    1. Thanks so much for joining again this year :)

  12. I just drank our of my SAN mug this morning! Thanks again for organizing the whole thing- I love Secret Santa swaps. And of course thanks for being an amazing secret SANta!!!

  13. I thought I commented on this when it first went up! Gah. Sorry I missed the fun. This was wonderful, as always. Thank you again for being the amazing connector that you always are, my friend. <3

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