Five Things Friday Vol. 39

Five Things Friday: just five things I’m thinking about or things that made my week, or things that I otherwise feel like sharing.

Hi friends. Excuse the unannounced absence. If you follow me on IG, you know by now that I spent the last 10 days in Germany and finally got to see my family again after 2.5 years. It was a short, kinda last-minute trip and I honestly didn’t know if the trip was going to happen until the day before my departure. I hadn’t dared to get excited about it until I knew that I was actually getting on the plane the next morning.

I’ll share more about my trip in another post, but needless to say, being completely unplugged and present for my time back home was just what my soul needed. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see everybody I would have liked to see during my visit (time was just too short and also because of Covid) and just focused on family this time, but my heart is so very full at this moment.

*  *  *

Traveling during a pandemic still feels weird to me, although it wasn’t as stressful as anticipated. I felt pretty safe on the plane, not least because the plane wasn’t completely full (for the international leg) and most people were wearing their masks responsibly. I still was a bit afraid that I could have potentially caught Covid and brought it home to my parents’ house, as I didn’t have to get tested on my way to Germany (they don’t require a negative test anymore). I did do a home test before I left though and I tested myself a few times while I was in Germany.

I also had to show a negative antigen test on my way back to the US, which made me feel a bit better about being on the plane with other people on my way home (as they also had to have a negative test to fly!). Honestly, let’s just keep up with the precautions to keep everyone safe. It’s a relatively small price to pay IMHO.

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As you can probably guess, I shopped for a few things when I was overseas and while everybody told me that things have gotten so expensive (especially gas) in the last few months, everything is still so much cheaper than in the US. Most grocery items and household goods are a fraction of the US price. It’s mind-boggling. Of course, I also had to stop at Aldi while I was there. (When are we getting an Aldi in Northern California again, that is what I want to know.)

*  *  *

When I returned home, I had a package from Peloton. A few weeks ago, I had received an email congratulating me on completing the 2021 Peloton Annual Challenge and reaching more than 15,000 workout minutes in 2021. As a gift of appreciation, they sent a pair of Capri tights and a workout tank to every member that completed the challenge. Very cool!

I can’t deny that I am excited to get back on the bike this weekend, although I was pretty active and earned my ‘blue dot’ (= Peloton Streak) every day through the app while I was in Germany.

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Regular posting will hopefully resume here shortly. I had a few drafts written before I left but ended up not opening my blog at all while I was away. Tell me, what’s been happening in your world? Did you have a nice Easter weekend?

Have a great weekend!

  1. Yay! I’m so happy that you got to go home. I can’t wait to hear about your trip.

  2. As always, it’s so nice to hear your voice in this online space! I didn’t know you were in Germany – how wonderful. It has been such a long absence from your family and it sounds like it was a wonderful trip. I can’t wait to hear more details.

    1. Thank you – it was long overdue and I am so glad I finally went.

  3. I’m so glad you were able to visit your family! How wonderful for you! I know travelling is stressful, but it’s been so long since you’ve been able to see them. I’m so happy for you!
    Oooh I wonder if I’ll get a package from Peloton! I am sure I completed the Annual, but haven’t had any emails about it. Maybe soon.

    1. Thanks friend. I am so glad I finally decided to travel – I didn’t want to postpone it forever.
      I don’t know if the Peloton gift was just a US promotion… but I do keep my fingers crossed that you’ll get an email too.

  4. How exciting that you got to see your family and do some European shopping! I can’t wait to hear all about it.

    1. Thank you, I’ll be sharing more soon!

  5. Hooray for being able to visit family!!! And to feel relatively safe while doing it! That is so wonderful. And very impressive that you kept up your blue dot while you were traveling!

  6. I’m not on social media so I did not know that you had traveled home! That is so so great! I bet it felt so good to be back with your family! I really wish you had access to an Aldi. Shopping there has made a huge impact on our grocery spending. I can not believe how cheap things are there and how great the quality is. Tonight we are having seared ahi tuna and asparagus – both came from Aldi!

  7. I am so glad you got to go! That is so funny you mention Aldi. A friend of mine is in the UK and she posted a photo that had an Aldi in the background and my first thought was to ask if she went, even though that wasn’t the focus of the photo. I hope you get an Aldi out there someday!

  8. It was so exciting to see the pictures on Instagram of you in Germany! I am so glad that you finally got to see your family after so many years apart. It must have felt so special!

  9. You know I LOVE this, so much! I was so happy to hear that you were able (FINALLY) to visit your family. My toes also thank you, as they were getting a bit cramped by the constant crossing on your behalf. ;)
    The price differential is fascinating. I have not been to Europe in far too long (sigh) but hope to get back there next year (2023). While I have an Aldi here in town, it’s in a very inconvenient location and I’ve not been back since being completely overwhelmed the first time I visited. My parents have an Aldi, as well as a Lidl (the Aldi competitor, I Think?) and a PriceRite, which also has super-cheap prices. If prices keep going up astronomically, which seems likely, I may have to revisit my Aldi-related challenges. ;)
    I hope that reentry into life and work has been smooth. That, to me, is the hardest part of coming down from a trip like this… you (eventually) have to return to real life, and the trip starts to, sigh, fade a bit. Thank goodness for pictures! I cannot wait to hear – and see!!!! – more!
    (Just saying it again – it literally made my week to know that you were able to get to Germany. :>)

  10. I am so happy to read that you finally made it to your family in Germany and I can totally understand and support to unplug completely and enjoy and be present with the people that surround you. Looking forward to hearing more about the trip

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