February Link List

Around the Interwebs

The season of tabs. Oh boy, does that sound familiar?

Stop motivating yourself with guilt. Cosigned.

What’s the carbon footprint of … email?

Lessons learned by the time I turned 40. A Twitter thread.

40 useful concepts you should know. Another Twitter thread.

How the pandemic is changing our bodies.

The COVID jerk.

Good to know: Basic, useful safety tips.

Pantry organizing tips from professional organizers.

Who stole your attention? (That’s what I want to know!)

The time hack everyone should know. Can you guess what it is?

Around the blogosphere

Eloquently said, Steph. I need to stop waiting for a return to normal.

Hat tip to Nicole for sharing this blog post about face filters on social media.

May friend Anthea posted about the misleading nature of social media. Can you relate?

An interesting concept: The silent to-do list.

What it’s like to be twins. I am a twin!

Never have to cross the street: a helpful approach to ending relationships.

30 Simple Random Acts of Kindness.

Time is elastic.

What is food security and why it’s important. Something we might all have thought about during the pandemic.


108 Free Bullet Journal Labels.

Do you use Evernote?

For my runner friends

9 self-defense tools for runners. Unfortunately, this is necessary.

Foam rolling for runners.


Have I mentioned that I love mushrooms? This looks delicious!

Chocolate Almond Butter Cookies. Yes, please.

Brothy Lima Beans and Greens. We’re all about the one-pot meals/stews right now.

OMG, yum. Southern Hot Honey Cauliflower Bites.

Share a good link with me in the comments!

  1. Hi San! Thanks for the link! I’m excited to delve into the rest of these! xo

  2. So many great links! I loved the Twitter threads and the practical advice article.

  3. I literally couldn’t get past the early paragraph about Zero Inbox in the guilt article. I immediately started feeling guilty about my work inbox. And that’s where I am today! There’s something kind of scary about not even being able to read an article that would presumably help me with my problem. Ha!

  4. I had no idea you were a twin! Mind blown…I don’t know why, but I always find it SO fascinating to know someone is a twin.
    I worked with someone once whose mother had 2 sets of twins and she had no idea either time before delivery she was going to have twins!

  5. So cool links again.
    I do love Evernote and keep a lot of ideas and checklists there. I think it is one of more frequently used apps.
    Also the twitter thread was fun and you can never know more ideas to spread kindness.

  6. I loved Cup of Jo’s article about being a twin! I find twins so fascinating! We have several sets in my family. I have twin uncles, twin cousins, and then the sister of the twin cousins has twins. It’s so wild to imagine having a twin!

    1. I find twins fascinating as well. I always wanted to be an identical twin, though. Are the twins in your family identical or fraternal?

  7. Thanks so much for including a link to a blog post I wrote :)
    I’m off to make some coffee so I can sit and read through the rest of the links. So many interesting articles.

  8. I tried to comment yesterday but it kept telling me my ReCaptcha was wrong. Weird. Anyway! The silent to-do list was a mind-blowing read for me. That’s exactly how it feels! I’m hoping this new perspective hopes me REALLY clean out this spring! Thanks for sharing, as always.

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