Currently | June

TRYING | to get back to this blogging thing. It’s not that I don’t have anything to write about, it’s just that my time management is poor right now. Mainly because I’ve been…

WANTING | to do all the things (which is nothing new really). My friend Susi asked why I hadn’t been blogging and it was mainly due to some stress at work (I often draft blog posts on my lunch breaks and that didn’t happen) and because I’ve been wanting to do all the other things in my free time (crochet/knit, read, run, walk, sleep, sit in the backyard, etc). Just me?

READING | is still going incredibly slow due to the point above. There are just not enough hours in the day.

WEARING | my new Birkenstocks (I got a new pair of my beloved Birkenstock Gizeh sandals while I was in Germany, because they’re like 50% cheaper there than they’re here. Can you believe that?)

EATING | homemade tuna salad baguette.

DRINKING | iced tea.

HANGING OUT | with my friend Caryn and her husband in Napa for the day (recap to come), which was such a treat.

CRAVING | ice-cream. I’ve been good and didn’t buy any on my grocery shopping trips the last few weeks, but I am afraid this will have to change pretty soon. Summer is almost here.

FEELING | a little sluggish with my running lately, but trying to keep my half marathon training on track.

LOVING| the delta breeze.

ENJOYING | coffee in bed, because why the hell not.

LOOKING FORWARD TO | our first BBQ this season. I don’t know why we haven’t gotten out the grill already, but we’re planning to use it this weekend.

What’s going on with you currently?

  1. I’m currently enjoying the nice weather we’ve had this week. It’s been in the 70s and mostly sunny. It’s been great sleeping weather as cools off to the 50-60s at night. I’m hoping for hotter weather when we are at the lake for the 4th, though! 80+ degrees feels amazing when you are on the water! I’m also loathing the fact that Paul has another ear infection but am grateful we can treat it with antibiotic ear drops instead of oral meds (oral antibiotics mess with his tummy big time).

  2. I started feeding the birds! Right now I get suet and hang it out for them. I have two feeders and I can see both from my chair. I swear the birds have become friendly and sing to me.

  3. Every blogger can relate to how you are feeling at some point. There just isn’t enough hours in the day and sometimes blogging is put on the back burner. Sorry you’ve been stressed at work – at least it is Friday :)
    I love tea in bed (throw in a book and I’m super happy).
    It is winter by us so I’m enjoying hearing about everyone else’s warm weather and trying not to feel envious lol. We need the rain (which is pouring right now) and I need to remind myself of this when I complain about the cold.
    Enjoy your first bbq of the season and have a wonderful weekend.

  4. I think it’s totally fine to put blogging on the back burner right now. Blogging is a low-stress activity and if you’re not finding the time to blog because you’re doing more fun activities, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, and you shouldn’t have any guilt! Of course, I know you love blogging and it’s always hard to put something you love on the back burner, but you’ll come back to it in time. I’m glad you’re filling up your schedule with fun events, though! That’s what the summertime is all about. <3

  5. I hear you with the ice cream. Could eat that all day long during summer. My reading actually picked up recently however I am not getting much else done. So I guess there is a season for everything. How about enjoying the moment. Happy summer to you friend

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