What I read in March

It’s  official. I am in a reading rut (and I have no idea how to get out of it). I can’t seem to focus on books right now (much to my dismay).

I only finished one book this month (again), and I started a second (which I haven’t finished yet). At least, the book I finished was a good one.

Becoming by Michelle Obama (★★★★★)

I am not the only one among my friends who gave this memoir  five well-deserved stars. I didn’t think that I needed to read this memoir to like  Michelle Obama more than I already did. I already liked her well enough from what I had seen of her as First Lady, but this book absolutely humanized her (and also her husband) and emphasized once more how much they care about others and this country. 

I loved reading about her childhood on the Southside of Chicago and how she met Barack (although I will admit it was a little slower for me than the rest of the book), because it really set the tone what was to come afterwards, when I really didn’t want to put the book down, when she talked about Barack’s running for president and their time in the White House. It was fascinating to read some of the private in and outs of being the First Family and living in that big house on Pennsylvania Avenue, but I especially loved her candor and vulnerability when she talked about her feelings surrounding Barack’s presidency (who knew she wasn’t so thrilled about the idea?), her role as a  mother and First Lady, and the backlash she had to endure. It’s amazing to me how she handled all this with so much strength and grace.

Everybody must read this book. Obviously.

What did you read in March? Anything you’d like to recommend? Leave a comment, and then add me on Goodreads to keep in touch.

  1. I also LOVED this book. I also loved Michelle before I read it but I loved her even more afterwards. I felt that she was so personable. She’s the kind of woman I’d want to meet for a cup of coffee or glass of wine so I could hear more about her life and get more advice from her! She’s such a wonderful role model! I also thought it was interesting to learn more about the ins and outs of living in the white house – like how they had to pay for their food and other things like toilet paper. Who knew!

    Reading ruts are the worst. I haven’t been in one in a long time but I’ve been in one before and it’s not a good feeling! Hopefully you get out of your rut soon! Maybe this is just a season of life where you are being drawn to other hobbies? Which is totally ok!

    I read 9 books in March, which is A LOT for me. I read several books that I really liked but the top ones were the Fiona Davis books and the Louise Penny books. The Fiona Davis books are historical fiction books set in a prominent building in NYC. They are super easy to get into so the perfect book to turn to when you need something light that draws you in. I love the Louise Penny series but it took several books for me to really get into the series. I just finished book 12 last night. I wouldn’t recommend this series to someone in a reading rut, though, as the first several books move a little bit slowly. But they just get better and better as the series progresses!

    1. 9 books! That amazing! I hope to up my reading game again soon.

      I definitely would love to have coffee with Michelle Obama. I agree that she’s such a wonderful role model for all women!

  2. Oof. I was in a reading slump for part of March, too, but I found my way out. It’s no fun! I hope you can find your way out, too. Maybe try something light-hearted and short? Maybe a thriller? That sometimes helps me!

    1. Good idea. I picked a 950+ page book and I definitely need to pick up something lighter/shorter next :)

  3. Sounds like an interesting book. Sorry for your reading fatigue. Sometimes it’s just what you need though. I am sure it will come back. There are just other priorities at the moment.

    1. You should definitely put this book on your TBR list!

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