Currently | December

via @frametastic

trying to get into the Christmas spirit. It’s my favorite time of the year, but somehow I’ve had a hard time getting my head wrapped around the fact that it’s already December. Just me?

watching Christmas movies. I am trying to fit in as many as humanly possible despite all the things I have to do. So far I crossed It’s a Wonderful Life, Elf,  The Nightmare Before Christmas, and The Holiday (my favorite!) off my list. Many, many more to go.

drinking mulled wine and pots and pots of tea.

eating Christmas cookies. I only made one kind this year (these ones – I guess they’re originally Austrian, but they’re well known in Germany, too) and they’re delicious!

cooking my mom’s tomato soup, because it’s my favorite soup and the next best thing when not spending time with your family gets you down a few days before Christmas.

sending Christmas cards and a few packages. I was going to send a few little Christmas boxes to my family and friends in Germany, but postage prices have been so insane lately that I decided to order my presents (for the most part) online instead.

packing all the boxes! Moving day is next week!

listening to NKOTB’s Christmas album. Every year this is a must!

reading Drinking. A Love Story by Caroline Knapp for the Postal Bookclub.

hoping for a great 2016. This year, which had started out kinda shitty, turned out to be pretty awesome overall and I’d like this to continue into the new year!

keeping in mind that not everybody looks forward to the holidays because people have strained family relations or are generally stressed by the holiday expectations and trying to do something good for someone less fortunate.

  1. Happy holidays, San, and good luck with the move! :)

  2. The book you are reading is the first book I read for our Postal book club. It’s a heavy read, but good!

    I can’t wrap my mind around the fact that it’s Christmas this week, either… it came way too quickly this year!

    Good luck with your move! I know how much work it is but it will be great to have it behind you and to know that you will be in your new home for awhile and can really settle in. I can’t wait to have that feeling as I’ve been moving around so much for the last 3 years between moving to Charlotte and then living in 2 different units since moving back.

    Merry Christmas to you and J!

  3. OMG, I had no idea that NKOTB has a holiday album. ON ITTTT.

  4. I haven’t nearly been watching as many Christmas movies as I have been wanting to this year. I have a few more days to catch up though, huh?! ;)

    Have a merry Christmas and good luck with the move! Will you be ringing in the new year in the new house?

  5. it’s pretty crazy how the end of this year just showed up! :/ time’s a flyin’. best of luck on the move!

  6. Merry Christmas, San! I hope you have a wonderful holiday with J.

    And good luck with the move next week. Moving can be so stressful, so I pray it is a peaceful move for your family.

  7. I really hope you had a lovely Christmas! And yay for the new house!! WOO!

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