February Link Love

FebruaryLinkLoveIf you’re watching “GIRLS” on HBO, you probably have seen more of Lena Dunham’s naked body than you expected. At first, the seemingly superfluous nudity threw me off  a bit. Not in the “why the hell is she naked kinda way”, but just because it was unexpected. It’s not something you see on TV usually.  Since I grew up in a culture where nudity is not that big of a deal, I didn’t really think about it all that much. Then I read this article about “6 reasons why female nudity can be powerful”. “[A] reporter […] recently asked Dunham why her “Girls” character was “often naked at random times for no reason,” many people seem confounded by expressions of female nudity that are not sexual – because isn’t titillation the whole point of women’s nakedness?”  […read on] Do you have an opinion on this? Where do you stand?

Amber posed a pretty interesting questions in one of her blog posts recently, one that I’ve been pondering for quite some time. What time do you like to work out?

I am not a germaphobe, but a little bit of caution doesn’t hurt: Eight things you should do before anything else in your hotel room.

Another lovely blog post by Dominique about 7 ways to be more frugal. Maybe you have something else to add to this?

Molly has been spot on when she talked about getting comfortable with uncertainty and the in-between.

I really liked this article because it can be applied to every relationship in your life: Save your relationship: ask the right question

It is way too easy to dismiss someone’s symptoms as something to ignore: 6 things not to say to someone with depression

A little bit of outsider love for the city that I call my home right now. A capital sojourn in Sacramento

“Underpromise. Overdeliver.” A two-word commitment that makes everything … better by Alexandra Franzen. Enough said.

10 easy things that will make you happier, backed by science and I’d say they all sound pretty reasonable to me.

Top 10 nutrition facts everyone agrees on. Duh.

My friend Kate put something into words that I completely agree with: I am not responding to your text message right away, and here is why.

I found this disturbing, but highly important: What is rape culture?

I needed to hear this, because I always give people the benefit of the doubt one too many times: 10 types of friends you shouldn’t feel bad about dumping

Fabric Heart Coasters – so cute!

30 things to stop doing to yourself. I especially relate to #4, #6, and #27. You?

  1. These links are great! So much useful and thought-provoking information!

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