2012 in pictures: week 19

2012 in pictures: week 19

supermoon \\ owl necklace \\ peach-french-toast \\
veggie garden \\ orange chicken \\ hi there \\
skirts with pockets \\ Rachel Maddow Show \\ coffee \\

  1. I love your cute sandals and that skirt with pockets! Your owl necklace looks like one I have! Love your week 19 pics!
    Hugs xxx

  2. That owl necklace is awesome!!
    And peach french toast?? That looks amazing!
    Hope you’re having an amazing mother’s day!

  3. I just potted all my patio plants. 14 ! Tomatoes, green pepper and eggplants! I am so excited!

  4. I know I already said this, but that peach french toast looks SO GOOD!

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