On the Causeway Classic and the weekend

On Saturday,  J and I went to a football game. It has become somewhat of a tradition for us to attend the Causeway Classic Football Game and I therefore consider it our “must-go-to”-event of the year.
The Causeway Classic is the annual Football Game between the UC Davis Aggies and the Sacramento State Hornets. It’s called “Causeway Classic”, because it refers to the Yolo Causeway, which is a 3.2-mile long elevated highway viaduct on Interstate 80 over the Yolo Bypass floodplain that connects Davis and Sacramento.

As you might now from previous posts, J and I met at UC Davis when I was an exchange student there and the Football Game always is a little bit of a nostalgic event for me, because J took me to the Causeway Classic the fall when we met.

Causeway Classic

Causeway Classic

Causeway Classic

The game is cool and all, but to tell you the truth, I am really just going for the marching bands! I think they are absolutely awesome and I probably love them so much, because we have nothing like it in Germany.

Luckily, the weather was holding up, we didn’t have a torrential rain storm like last year (Thank God!), but it was pretty darn cold. Good thing I had brought a blanket to sit on. Still, during half-time, we had to go get some hot chocolate and a French Crêpe to warm up. Not that I minded! It was a nice afternoon treat.

We ended up leaving a little prematurely after the 3rd quarter, because my feet felt like they were pretty much not part of my body anymore, but we listened to the rest of the game on the way home (thanks live-streaming on my iPhone!) and UC Davis won 23:19. Hooray!


Other good things this weekend:

early morning coffee ♥ clothes shopping (for J) ♥ staying up late ♥ movie night (we watched “Due Date”) ♥ trip to Michaels ♥ phone calls with family ♥ a 3-hour nap (oops!) ♥ a table full of crafts ♥ oven-fries ♥ candles ♥ “Sister Wives” live-tweet up with some lovely ladies ♥ dark chocolate mint thins (holy addiction – it’s also the marker for the beginning of the holiday season for me!)


How was your weekend?

  1. Good. Mandy was here for a nice visit and on Sunday I had a lot of time to rest and relax.

  2. That sounds like a great great weekend!!!!

  3. sounds like a perfectly lovely weekend. and love that it’s such a tradition and so special for you two to go to the game, just love it.

  4. Sounds like a good time! I

    And 3 hour naps are my favorite kind of naps.

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