Currently Vol.6



Current Book(s):  I’ll start reading “The Scent of Rain and Lightning” by Nancy Pickard this week. According to Amazon, I should get the book tomorrow – yay! I joined #twookclub a couple of weeks ago, a Twitter book club initiated by Stephany and I am so excited to start reading again. Plus, I’ll be doing it with some lovely ladies from the blogosphere! Win!

Current Playlist: I have to admit – my listening to music is pretty much confined to the time I spend in the car to and from work and I listen to whatever is playing on the radio. Exciting, I know!

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Everything Bagel Chips from Trader Joe’s. Take them away already!

Current Color: Grey. I know, is that even a color?

Current Drink:  Green Tea.

Current Food: Cucumber salad (for lunch).

Current Favorite Show:  Sister Wives. Ahm, I might have mentioned the mild obsession with the show lately. J totally does not understand why I watch this show, in fact, he’d rather not have me watch, but it’s just so fascinating.

Current Wishlist: Going home for Christmas.

Current Needs: Hot tea, blankets – it’s getting colder here in California (believe it or not!)

Current Bane(s) of my Existence: Computer problems at work. I basically can’t get anything done without a computer, so having hardware/software issues is one of the most frustrating situations of my job.

Current Celebrity (Girl) Crush: Jennifer Aniston. I’ve been watching some re-runs of Friends in the last few weeks and although she’s always going to be everybody’s “Rachel”, honestly tell me how you can not like her?

Current Outfit: Jeans, t-shirt, cardigan, Converse. (I know, I have the coolest job ever where I can wear sneakers to work!)

Current Excitement: The holidays! I really am looking forward to the holiday season.

Current Link: I’ve been forever searching the Internet for more inspiration… check out this blog.

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What’s up with you CURRENTLY?

  1. Like your link. Oh, I do hope you can get home for Christmas!

  2. I love Jennifer in Friends. I love pretty much everything she does, though. Except for that Friends with Money movie. That one was a little weird.

  3. I love cucumber salad!!! :)

  4. dude i am obsessed with gray clothes lately. i can’t help it, i love them. just bought a new gray sweater even, haha.

  5. I’m so excited for you to get your book! I just started it yesterday and I heard it’s a fast read so that’s good. :)

    Jennifer Aniston is one of my favorite people ever. So classy, so funny. Love her.

  6. I started “Sister Wives” but can’t get into it…!

  7. Computer problems suck. I’m having them at work as well this week.

    I’m getting pretty excited for the holidays as well!!!

  8. I am obsessed with Trader Joe’s Everything Crackers. The blend of goodness they put on those things is absolute perfection. I’m intrigued by these Bagel Chips you speak of…might have to pick some up given my addiction to the “everything” flavor.

  9. Aww I wish I could wear Converse at work!

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