I smile a lot these days…

The new week started well. I actually enjoy! getting up at 5:45 a.m. and getting ready for work. Ha, let’s see for how long that will be going on :) This is too good to be true.

Anyways, staying at a hotel in a city that I called my “home” for 1.5 years feels kinda odd though. I can’t wait until I move into an apartment. It will feel much more like “home” again than going back to a hotel room every night. Oh wait, there is some good news I wanted to tell you: I’ll be moving in with someone this coming week! Yay!

You might remember that I looked at a room last week and it looks like it is working out. I really like the tenant, and her cat and her new kitten ;) OMG. Now I am even more excited about living with her, because I’ll finally have the pets that I always wanted! Kari seems to be excited, too, that we’re going to be roomates [and hopefully friends!]. She already invited me to join her and two neighbors to a baseball game next week. Cool!
I went over to the place tonight and we signed the “roommate agreement”. I got to meet the kitten [so tiny and so adorable!] and we talked about some organizational stuff. I think I couldn’t ask for a better roommate situation.

BUT: I am also excited about going home on Thursday. Commuting makes you look forward to the weekend even more – although I do have plenty to look forward to during the week as well.

Ok, enough of this crazy talk now. I think you got the point. I am pretty happy these days :)

  1. i can’t tell you enough how happy i am to finally see you so truly happy again.
    i can’t WAIT to smooch and hug you in person again!

  2. It’s just wonderful to hear how happy you are! Just wonderful!

  3. Ich muss da nochmal nachlesen, aber warum ziehst Du nun bei jemanden ein, mit dem Du nicht verheiratet bist? LOL Und wo ist John abgeblieben?…muss scheinbar wirklich was nachholen, aber trotzdem schoen, dass es scheinbar alles so klappt und Du Dich wohl fuehlst.

    Gruesse !!!

  4. Hey, that’s great! A room with pets!!!

  5. awesome!!!! so glad to hear that you are happy! you deserve it!!! :) i know i am always looking forward to the weekend as well, not that much right now, because you know why, but hopefully in the future i will. hugs and kisses!

  6. Mensch, ich freu mich für dich. Vor allem für die Kittis :-)

  7. YAY! Sounds like you’re doing great!

  8. Woohooo, das hoerst sich nach nem netten Roomie an! Hoffe es gibt bald Fotos von den Katzen! :) Schoen, dass es Dir alles so gut gefaellt. Smooch!

  9. I’m really glad that everything is coming together for you!

  10. Happy does surely look good on you my San. And bonus! with the dual places of residence. I don’t know anyone who gets a hubby and a home, and an apartment with a rad roommate, too! I’m glad it’s going so well. : ) xoxoxo

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