
january 28, 2007 - day 110

My notebook crashed. I can’t boot up anymore and I can’t access my files.

I have no idea what happened. My ‘baby’ worked perfectly fine when I shut it down on Thursday, and then Friday morning it didn’t boot up anymore.

I am worried that I am going to lose all my data.

I made a backup of some stuff a couple of weeks ago, but the most recent stuff might be gone.

I’ll update as soon as I can.

P.S. I LOVE my Dell… but now I am wondering if I should have gotten an ibook. Windows OS suck.

  1. I hope you are back on soon and that your Dell is fixable. I have a Gateway, Hubby has a Dell. I love my Gateway, I do not like Hubby’s Dell. Oh well.
    Good luck.

  2. Oh no! Have you called Dell yet? Is there still warranty on it? I hope it can be fixed. Which Dell do you have? Call me tonight if you feel like it. I’m home and bored.

  3. ugh i hate when that happens

  4. oh no. i’m sorry. i know how much you love your baby and you should NOT have gotten an iBook. don’t give up on your baby yet. fingers are crossed that it’ll be fixed very soon! *smoochie*

  5. It happend to my Dell twice, hun !!! Now my babe is prepared for EVERYTHING. Hope you can fix it! I totaly can understand your love :-).

    Miss ya babe! I think we need to talk !! I’m gonna call you tonight after work.

  6. Oh no, that’s terrible!!! :( You poor thing! I hope yuo can recover your files and get the lappy fixed. *big hug* Do you still have warrenty??

  7. Oh crap. That sucks. Hopefully you get it all figured out soon.

  8. damn it that sucks. especially when our babies don’t work. i can relate. hate when technical stuff doesn’t work and you have to worry about data that could have been gone. fingers are crossed that dell could fix it. hang in there.

  9. I hope you can get it fixed without losing your files, I know how that feels, as it happened to me before (I lost 3 months worth of files), and it sucks.

  10. oh noooooooooo shit happens =[ aber sorry ich musste trotzdem lächeln denn das ist pic ist zwar traurig aber auch sooooo süß!!!!

  11. I think EVERYONE should have gotten an ibook, but as I still haven’t been able to muster it, I completely understand. Here’s hoping Mr. Dell feels better, SOON.


  12. That sucks!!!! But if you still have warranty, Dell is pretty good in fixing everything for you. We have a Dell Desktop and it was broking once, Dell was here within a day! Good luck to your little Dell and you!!!!

  13. Hope it’s all good again. Did you get my email with my cv suggestions?

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