
Ok, so Shaun over at randomandodd.com was responsible for this week’s SPF and he concocted a real challenge for us. I am up for it… even though I am not sure I am going to be crowned with success here, but I will give a try.

1. Your TV


Since the weekend that I spent at Kim‘s place, I have been mildly addicted to F·R·I·E·N·D·S and since I don’t have a DVD player in my old room, my notebook is serving as my TV right now [and it does a really good job, I have to add!].

2. Your show


Ok, so here we go… may I introduce you to “Patty, the puppy-purse” [can you see the carry handles on its back? And it also has a zipper on its back – just like a real purse ;)].
This show will be about the adventures of this cute little dog who was born at a local shooting gallery and was adopted by a lovely couple after the guy had shot a round of ammunition and made enough hits to save the little puppy-purse from spending its sad existence hanging at the ceiling of the old shooting gallery wagon.
[Note: this actually happened ;)]

3. The new member of the cast


I have a confession to make and I hope you don’t find this too corny or decide that you won’t talk to me anymore after this, but I am not afraid to stand by my past.
I will add Joe McIntyre [former member of NKOTB and now solo artist with amazing musical and acting talents] to my family as my brother. I have always wanted a big brother and this guy has had substantial influence on the course of my life. If it hadn’t been for him, not only would I not have met some of my closest and most important friends, but I also probably would not have developed such a deep love and passion for the US. Thus, I might not have spent an exchange semester in CA and might not have met J this way.
See, for me… this is ALL connected and I really would like to thank him and have the opportunity to tell him how much he has positively influenced my life.

  1. great job…I love your show idea :) very creative!

  2. ha, there you go. you finally got a new purse :P
    i understand the addiction and will make sure to bring more “fuel” when i come in two weeks :) *smooch*

  3. Well done! Really like your show idea, so cute. Have a wonderful weekend, hun!

  4. Your horse purse cracks me up!
    I’ve watched a few DVD’s on my laptop computer too- it works well in a pinch.

    Happy SPF and thanks for stopping by mine.

  5. love it. gosh joey does look handsome!! your laptop is also pretty awesome!! oh and hun can i have the password? :-) love ya

  6. hi sweetie,
    needless to say that i ADORE that mac pic:P got, that is a yummie blue eyed one. and i can totally agree with every word you said under it. and YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE ASHAMED OF POSTING IT!WORD!!!
    hope to be able to be talkative on sunday;-) haven’t talked to you in ages. so would love to do it again.
    smoochie to you

  7. Joey grew up about 20 minutes away from me! Ah, NKOTB -Donnie and his brother Marky Mark grew up in my town, actually … that’s one of our sad claims-to-fame. :)

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