Five Things Friday Vol. 104

Five Things Friday: just five things I’m thinking about or things that made my week, or things that I otherwise feel like sharing.

I spent the last few days in Denver, Colorado to attend the Leadership Class that I previously mentioned. It was a great class and I am thankful that I (advocated for myself to attend and that I) got to go. As always, some participants always hijack the discussions and others don’t speak up at all. I fell somewhere in the middle, making an effort to actively participate. I kept my promise to myself to practice speaking up in group settings (which does not come naturally to me).

The central theme of the workshop was the importance of storytelling (we shared a lot of personal stories!) and the main message was that anybody can be a leader and that you can ‘lead from any chair’. You don’t have to be a manager or supervisor to be a leader. What a concept! We covered a lot of information over the two days of class and it gave me so much to think about! Have you attended a leadership class before? What was it like for you?

Unfortunately, there wasn’t much time to explore Denver and the surrounding area. I would have loved to go for a hike or something. Hopefully, I’ll have the opportunity to visit Colorado again sometime.

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I’ve been thinking about all our Florida Cool Bloggers, Jenny, Sarah, Stephany and CRR who have been impacted by hurricane Milton (and Helene) and I think they (and their pets) are all ok, at least physically. I can only imagine though what a mental toll these natural threats take on the people in harm’s way. I’ve been following the news and some of the images are just so devastating. Please if you need anything or if we could help somehow, don’t hesitate to let us know! And anyone who still calls climate change a hoax is obviously not paying attention.

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In Feedly news, Elisabeth reached out to me earlier this week to share a resource that she’s come across and that might be a solution for everyone on WordPress who is having issues with Feedly. There is a plugin that is called WebSub (and the byline is “A better way to tell the world that your blog was updated”). Sounds great, right? I don’t completely understand how it works, but since installing this plugin, my (two most recent) blog posts have shown up in Feedly instantly! I think Feedly needs to fetch the RSS feed once for the plugin to get triggered and subscribed, so if you’re currently having issues with Feedly and are waiting for Feedly to fetch your RSS feed again (which it will), be a little patient. But once that has happened, the updates should be more or less instantly. If you could let me know if my blog posts have shown up promptly for you this week as well, I’d very much appreciate it.

Dare I say, this might be the solution to all the Feedly problems? (Just in case, I also put a ‘subscribe by email’ button in my sidebar if that works better for you.)

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I completely missed the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) that were visible on Thursday night and I am kinda bummed about it. I love these kind of natural events. Did you get a chance to see them? Tell me all about it!

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Last but not least, we’re moving this weekend. I can’t believe the day is here! As much as I have anticipated moving, I also always feel a little bit sad and nostalgic about leaving another chapter behind. I won’t miss the cramped space of our duplex apartment, but I will miss the location and our street. We’re only moving 2 miles away so I’ll probably come by here again on my neighborhood runs.

We’ll be very busy for the next few days. I’ll talk to you from the other end.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Good luck with the move! Moving is so stressful, I hope yours goes smoothly.
    I did see the northern lights! It’s so funny, my husband has been up north twice and this was the first time he saw it.

  2. Good luck with the move. It’s stressful but also exciting. Lots of mixed emotions.
    I did get notice of this post both in Feedly AND in my e-mail. Hooray. It’s working. I should add that plugin to my own website!
    The weather in Florida is so overwhelming. The loss of life, property, and emotional and physical scarring from such a horrible weather event will impact generations. I will admit I am very, very apprehensive about the planet my kids (and their kids, if they have them) will “inherit.”
    I did see the northern lights. I’d seen them once before many years ago, but this viewing was far more spectacular. We saw predominantly pinks and purples, but some greens and bluish hints. A friend texted me and I will forever be grateful because I was in bed ready to call it a night and would never have known such an epic light show was happening in the sky.

  3. The leadership conference sounds really interesting. I’m glad you were able to attend. Storytelling – that’s a topic I love. The Florida weather is really scary. I can’t imagine coping with that. I did not see the northern lights. I’m sure your move is creating lots of feelings, but I’m happy that you’ll still be near enough to visit your old street. I hope everything goes smoothly.

  4. Yay moving day! Stay sane!!! I’m so excited for you to have more space.

    We had an awesome Northern Lights show. The only reason that we knew about it was that someone posted on our town’s Facebook page about how dim the lights were at the park in our neighborhood compared to other posts they were seeing. We raced right out the door down to the park and enjoyed our “inferior” light show.

  5. You’re moving this weekend! I hope it’s done now and you’re relaxing in your new place!

    I also missed the lights. I was walking the dog and we did not see anything, although a lot of people from my town did get great photos.

  6. I am late to comment but I hope the move went well! Moving is SO stressful and I hope you are rapidly approaching the other side of the whole process.
    Your leadership seminar sounds great! Good for you for making an effort to speak up. Speaking up does not come naturally to me, either, so I can imagine how much of an effort it required to do so!
    Fingers crossed that the Feedly issue has been resolved!!!! I have been reluctant to use Feedly lately because it has been so unreliable, but I will try to be better about it now.

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