Five Things Friday: just five things I’m thinking about or things that made my week, or things that I otherwise feel like sharing.

Smartwatches are nifty things. I’ve been using a Garmin for running for 8+ years and as you might recall, I also got an Apple watch last year because I was so intrigued by its features. (And yes, I am glad you asked, I am using them both – sometimes simultaneously, but the Garmin always for running. It’s superior when it comes to workout stats.)
Recently, my Apple Watch has been alerting me to periods of low heart rate. The default threshold for the alert is 40 bpm. According to my health data, my average resting heart rate has been 48 bpm over the last 6 months. (In fact, when I check my heart rate right now – just sitting at the computer – it’s in the low 50s.) Occasionally when I sleep – or rest on the couch (this is when I will get the alert because I usually charge my Apple watch at night) – my heart rate will dip into the 30s.
I am not some kind of super-human, although I do consider myself reasonably fit for my age, so maybe this is normal. Do you know your resting heart rate?
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Tomorrow is my three-year Peloversary. If you’re not sick and tired of hearing about my love for Peloton, you can come back tomorrow and read my thoughts on the anniversary of the day when they delivered that precious Bike+ to me. On one hand, I can’t believe I’ve already had it for three years, on the other hand, I can hardly remember NOT having access to the bike and the community. It’s been one of the best purchases and the best decision I’ve ever made for myself, and I am so thankful for it.
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Speaking of Peloton, did a warm-up ride earlier this week with a 70s Rock music theme, and I was hit over the head with the realization that the song “Magic” by the band Pilot was utterly ruined when it was used as a jingle for a pharmaceutical advertisement. (Do you know which one I mean? You will if you click on the link. Ugh. Did you know that there are no drug commercials in Germany? The idea of going to your doctor and asking for a drug that you’ve seen on TV is unheard of.)
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I am so, so happy to report that temperatures have cooled down significantly this week. Daytime highs have only been in the mid-90s and the trend will continue into next week. I mean, yeah, that’s still pretty hot but the most important part is that it cools down considerably (into the 50s) over night because that is the only thing that makes these summer months bearable! I love sleeping with the windows open right now and the early morning runs are just so pleasant. How’s the weather where you are right now? Germany is being hit with a mix of warm temps and humidity with alternating thunderstorms.
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Well… last but not least, have you noticed? Feedly was working fine for my blog for a few weeks, and now it’s not. Again. Sigh. I am sorry. I am at my wit’s end with this issue. I cannot figure out – or at least have someone explain to me – why this is happening at random, as it seems. I guess you’ll read this (and my other recent posts) when you read this.
Nicole MacPherson
August 17, 2024 at 6:53 amHappy Peloversary!
I do know my resting heart rate, from my Garmin (I am smiling thinking of you wearing both at the same time). I thought mine was low! Sometimes it dips into the 40s but generally it’s in the low 50s.
We had a really rainy day yesterday, and I am SO happy – we are in “fire country” like you are, and a day of steady rain and cool temps is very welcome.
I do know what commercial you’re talking about, but it doesn’t ruin the song for me – I still enjoy it, even if it did advertise to old guys about getting boners (I should probably tread lightly! My own husband is turning 59 this year!).
August 23, 2024 at 5:28 pmOh, I am not surprised you know your resting HR… and I am happy to hear yours is similar to mine :)
And so happy you got some rain. That’s always welcome in ‘fire country’!!
August 17, 2024 at 10:28 amFeedly is really struggling, isn’t it?! I’m so sorry that it’s affecting so many blogs I love! I bookmarked your blog in my web browser so I can circumvent Feedly altogether.
Love that you wear two fitness watches simultaneously sometimes! That strikes me as so charming.
August 23, 2024 at 5:28 pmHaha, my husband thinks I am crazy, but I am happy to hear you find my wearing two fitness watches charming :) I’ll tell him that.
August 19, 2024 at 8:59 pmMy overnight RHR averages 41, with lowest dip to 30s during the first half of my period, this is according to oura. I think it’s sign of fitness and overall wellness. My RHR goes up when I am stressed or over trained. It’s good to have those stats to adjust expectations/workouts/activities.
August 23, 2024 at 5:29 pmOh, I am glad to hear your overnight RHR is so low, too. Yes, I think it’s a sign of fitness :)
August 19, 2024 at 9:12 pmI don’t have a smart watch, so I have no idea what my resting heart rate is. I just counted it using my pulse and a timer, it was 64. I think that’s pretty good for a 58 year old with a desk job. 30s and 40s is pretty amazing! With your exercise commitment, though, I’m not surprised at all.
I’m with you in loving the cooler weather. We haven’t had the a/c on in several days. I went to an outdoor party on Saturday and was actually chilly for a bit.
August 23, 2024 at 5:30 pmOh yeah, 64 is on the low side, so you’re doing good :)
The cooler weather is nice, isn’t it? They even talked about a little sprinkle over the weekend… I am very curious!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
August 20, 2024 at 4:34 amBummer about Feedly! I wish I could help you, as I know how frustrating that can be!
My RHR is low 40s and in fact, I have been declined for giving blood because of it, and my low BP and low hemoglobin. To me it’s just normal, but sometimes they look at me as if I am dying. I am fine, just efficient! Right now, after three cups of coffee, it’s at 52, but last night it was around 42-44 while I was sleeping.
August 23, 2024 at 5:31 pmNot surprised your RHR is quite low as well… my BP is in the normal range and the hemoglobin too. Do you have issues with iron deficiency sometimes? I had that in the past but it has stabilized.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
August 29, 2024 at 8:01 pmAs far as I know I haven’t had any issues with iron deficiency, but I’ve only had s few blood tests in the last several years, so who knows!
August 20, 2024 at 2:05 pmFEEDLY!! Why are you such a jerk?
Okay, that solidifies it. I’m going to create an old-fashioned blogroll on my blog (deadline: before my “official” 20th anniversary) and only check blogs through there.
August 23, 2024 at 5:31 pmAn old-fashioned blog roll might be the answer to all Feedly issues. Sigh. It’s been working again after a week… but who knows when it craps out again?
August 23, 2024 at 7:04 amWe had fall weather this weekend in NJ and Tony wanted to turn the heat on. THE HEAT. It’s in the 70s! We get into thermostat wars all the time lol He likes it warm and I like it cool. Feedly is annoying. On my side, it has a tendency to spit out about 10 posts from your blog at one time…
August 23, 2024 at 5:33 pmHa, you and Tony seem to be opposites.. I mean, I am not turning the heat on when it’s in the 70s but Jon will still turn the AC on, when I am perfectly fine. LOL (He runs superhot.)
Yeah, sorry about Feedly… when it breaks, it usually batch imports again after a while. Very annoying.
August 23, 2024 at 6:35 pmUgh, I hate that you are still dealing with these issues with Feedly! That’s so frustrating.
I loooove all the health data I can get from my Apple watch. It’s what prompted me to ask my doctor for a sleep study – I noticed my blood oxygen levels at night were really low!
Lisa’s Yarns
August 24, 2024 at 7:05 amMy RHR is typically in the low 50s and dips to the 40s when sleeping. Like Kyria, I have been turned away from donating blood is the past due to low pulse, BP and hemoglobin. My hemoglobin hasn’t been concerningly low, though, except during pregnancy when I had to take iron supplements.
Feedly is so annoying. I can’t believe you keep having this issue over and over!!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
August 24, 2024 at 1:31 pmI love my Apple Watch for the health stats. And I only have an early model (I think Apple Watch 3) so it doesn’t give me all the data. I think my RHR is somewhere in the 60s. Always thought that was good but maybe its not when I read about 30 & 40 here…
August 31, 2024 at 4:16 pmFeedly. Argh.
I find it hilarious, but also love that you wear both smartwatches. :)
Also, yes, your HR is so low because you are so fit! It’s a good thing! I bet your BP is super-low, too.