I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. #nablopomo2022

Five Things Friday: just five things I’m thinking about or things that made my week, or things that I otherwise feel like sharing.
Big shoutout to all my fellow NaBloPoMo-warriors. You’ve officially made it past the halfway mark of NaBloPoMo and can I just say one thing? I am so freakin’ proud of all of you! I know, it is a commitment, especially since the group has grown. I truly hope you’re still having as much fun as I am… because I have thoroughly enjoyed all your posts so far and getting to know you all so much better! What a sweet blessing this community is!
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Last weekend, I was inspired by J’s post where she shared that she was sending voter postcards to help encourage democratic voters in Georgia to show up for Senator Warnock in the December, 6 runoff election. I thought to myself: well, if I can do one thing, I can send postcards. So, I signed up at postcardstovoters.org, printed some postcards, and wrote my messages. (THANK YOU, J!)
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On Monday, I asked Jon to stop at the post office to get some postcard stamps and mail the postcards. When he returned, he said that the lady at the post office told him that they didn’t have any postcard stamps, but that he could use the regular forever stamps to mail them. So that’s what he did.
BUT, regular forever stamps are letter stamps and more expensive than postcard stamps. There is a $0.16 difference. Obviously, it’s not about the $0.16 (I hope you know that). I would have sent the postcards either way, but for the USPS lady to suggest that he uses the more expensive stamps because they “were out of postcards stamps”. Sorry, that’s just a big pile of BS. I am all for supporting the postal service, but NOT like that. That’s borderline fraudulent.
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This week, I also signed up for the local Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot. Sacramento has one of the largest Turkey Trots, Run to Feed the Hungry, in the country and it supports our local Food Bank. I haven’t participated in person in the last three years (I opted for the virtual runs instead), but I think I am at a point where I can justify it. It’s outside after all and I can wear a mask at the start line. Are you going to run a(n in-person) Turkey Trot this year?
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I got my performance evaluation back this week and I was super-pleased with what my supervisor had to say about me. As you might recall, I switched research groups earlier this year and except for one person (who I had already been working with on two projects), I am completely new to the group. I haven’t even met everybody yet and it’s difficult to build a rapport with people that you don’t see in person. I think I met my new supervisor exactly two times since May, but at least we have regular meetings on Teams, and it sounds like I have made a pretty good impression so far (which is so important for me to hear, because I definitely suffer from Imposter Syndrome sometimes — a topic for another day).
I hope you had a good week, but TGIF!
November 18, 2022 at 6:34 amI am very annoyed at that postal worker! There has to be a way to do it on her end without stamps, right? So annoying! Her suggestion was bunk!
Good for you for signing up for your turkey trot! It sounds fun!
And yay for a good review! That must be such a relief, after joining a new team.
November 19, 2022 at 9:40 pmThat’s what I thought – couldn’t the postal worker just “print” the appropriate stamps for the postcards?
November 18, 2022 at 6:44 amYAY YOU for doing the postcards for voters! Thank you!
That is some BS, they could have printed up postage for him at the right cost. Shame on the employee. Which reminds me, I need to order some postcard stamps and some postcards, so I’m ready for the next campaign.
I am not a runner, but my husband has done a couple of Turkey Trots. Prior to COVID, he did in person, and then of course virtual. This year he had an injury and is not ready, so no Turkey Trot, but I do think there is an in person one.
Congrats on your good review! That’s great news!
November 19, 2022 at 9:41 pmThank you, and thank you for encouraging others to write voter postcards. It’s really an easy way of getting involved.
So fun to hear that your husband is a runner and has done Turkey Trots. I like running for good causes.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
November 18, 2022 at 7:19 amI am not doing a Turkey Trot this year because i”m just over running in general BUT holiday races are so fun. It’s a great choice for your return to in person racing.
November 19, 2022 at 9:41 pmYes, holiday races are fun… but I understand why you’re skipping the Turkey Trot this time ;)
November 18, 2022 at 8:45 amPositive feedback is just so…wonderful. It’s helpful (I think it encourages more of the same positive work behaviours), it fosters a sense of community and, if sincere, is often provides opportunity for positive growth. Go San!
I did a 5K race at Canadian Thanksgiving; up North, we’re just biding time until Christmas now as Thanksgiving is in our rearview mirror!
November 19, 2022 at 9:42 pmThank you, Elisabeth. You’re so write that positive feedback, in any situation but especially in work environments, is so important and really fosters community and good work ethics.
I am so proud of you for running the 5k a few weeks ago. You did so well and it must have felt so good to accomplish that goal :)
Nicole MacPherson
November 18, 2022 at 1:10 pmCongrats on your great performance evaluation!
November 19, 2022 at 9:43 pmThanks so much, Nicole.
November 18, 2022 at 4:57 pmAh, good old Imposter Syndrome! Glad you got a positive review and feel good about things!
Yes, I’m doing my usual Turkey Trot this year. I debated signing up for it because I’m not in “racing” shape, but then decided I couldn’t miss it.
November 19, 2022 at 9:43 pmAre you familiar with Imposter Syndrome too? Ugh, it’s terrible.
So happy to hear you’re doing a Turkey Trot this year as well. I love running for a good cause…. and I never treat it as a timed race, I am just out there for fun.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
November 18, 2022 at 10:51 pmCongrats on your (very) positive performance evaluation. I can only imagine the anxiety beforehand. I hated those things during employment and even now being a freelancer I feel weird when the boss wants to talk to me. I make a million bullet points and then its never about that….
One things about the postcards thing: Do you get the address from random people there? Do they know you will write? That is something Germany would never allow with the strict data protection act.
November 19, 2022 at 12:01 amHi Tobia,
I think the addresses come from voter registration, as you are only writing to people in your own registered political party, and you do not have their name, only their address. So when I write mine it is addressed to: Valued Voter, 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA, etc.
I’m not sure how that would translate in Germany and the protection laws there.
:) J
November 19, 2022 at 9:44 pmThank you for explaining the voter postcard process. My mom also asked about the addresses and if that isn’t “private” information… I guess since you’re just getting an address, no name or anything, there is no real “privacy issue” involved, but German laws might be different.
November 18, 2022 at 11:08 pmCongratulations on your positive review. It’s always a relief to have confirmation you’re doing a good job.
November 19, 2022 at 9:46 pmThank you, and yes, it absolutely a relief to get positive feedback during the performance review… so much of the time we just plug along and don’t really know if we’re doing a good job or not.
November 18, 2022 at 11:39 pmI even did not know there were still separate stamps for post cards. In the old days when I still bought them I usually bought more than I needed (because O am writing more very soon
) and then waited so long to use them up that postage went up in between. Since then I am only getting the forever stamps (did you ever try to make up the difference with 1cent stamps?).
November 19, 2022 at 9:47 pmI actually think there are “forever postcard stamps” now, just as there are “forever global stamps” as well…. but yeah, I also remember having to buy 1 cent stamps to make up the difference, haha.
November 19, 2022 at 6:17 amThat post office interaction would drive me nuts! My first thought on reading was “isn’t that far more expensive??” Also could they not print stamps for you (or maybe you can only do that if you mail from the post office?) anyways I definitely feel your pain there.
One of my favourite races ever was a Turkey Trot. So festive! And eating thanksgiving after a race is awesome. We did one in Novato California, not too far from you :). Good luck on the race!
November 19, 2022 at 9:48 pmRight? I would have expected that they can print individual stamps if they’re out of the pre-printed ones at the post office.
Oh, that’s so cool you’ve done a Turkey Trot in Novato before (I stayed in Novato last summer for a couple of nights when my family was here for a summer visit).
November 19, 2022 at 8:05 amI have found that most post offices honestly do not have postcard stamps. I don’t think the lady was being disingenuous. I send postcards regularly and end up using forever stamps a lot. If I were more on the ball, I’d order postcard stamps before I go on vacation, but I generally don’t think of it until I’m out of town and then local post offices are just hit or miss whether or not they have them. I *think* that postcard use must be way down because it seems like a lot of post offices just don’t stock those particular types of stamps.
November 19, 2022 at 9:50 pmIf the post offices don’t stock postcard stamps anymore (maybe because they’re not used frequently enough), then they have to be able to print individual stamps when somebody needs them. Simple as that. The lady should have NOT suggested that we just use more expensive stamps to send the postcards… OR, the post office has to adjust postage to make it all equal. But I guess there’s a lot going wrong at USPS these days.
Lisa of Lisa’s yarns
November 21, 2022 at 4:18 pmCongrats on a great review! It is so wonderful to get positive feedback!
I am doing a 10k on thanksgiving morning with my neighbor. It’s at the lake close to our house so is super convenient!
November 22, 2022 at 2:57 pmGood job on sending postcards to voters! I just have to believe Warnock will win. HE HAS TO.
Congrats on a great performance review, too. Isn’t it such a relief to get that great review back?!
December 17, 2022 at 4:51 pmOh, yay yay yay for the performance review. I am right there with you with the imposter syndrome… sigh. No good suggestions here, unfortunately.
Also? The PO completely ripped you off. However! Since I am sending New Year’s postcards this year, I took the opportunity to order them online. Whew. Here’s hoping they actually, you know, get here.
And THANK YOU for hosting NaBloPoMo… I have loved reading the posts, although I am so, so far behind. <3