May Link List


Around the Interwebs

Weighing your risk.

A science journalist explains how the Spanish flu changed the world

What most liberals don’t realize

Inside the Flour Company Supplying America’s Sudden Baking Obsession (I knew why I liked King Arthur Flour, and in case you wanted to know why there is a flour shortage.)

This is the problem with thinking you know more than the experts.

What to Ask Instead of ‘How Are You?’ During a Pandemic.

That relentless brain fog you might be experiencing through this pandemic is called allostatic load.

Around the blogosphere

Have you heard from anyone surprising lately? I must admit, I’ve been reaching out to a couple of people that I’ve lost touch with. I was surprised that they popped in my mind when the pandemic started, but I also felt like this is a sign and as good as any other time to reconnect, so why not?

Steph lives inside my head, I swear. 


DIY Wood Nightstand with Drawer. I wish I was more into – and had more space for – carpentry.

For my runner friends

What new runners really need to know. Need a good chuckle? 

Magnesium for athletes. Do you get enough or take supplements?


Jalapeño Chicken Salad Sandwiches. Sounds yummy!

We’ve made Salisbury Steak a couple of times. It’s so easy and good.

This sounds like the perfect summer dish: Caprese Prosciutto Farro Salad.

I’ll have one – or five – of these Almond Raspberry Cheesecake Bars, please and thank you.

Share a good link with me in the comments!

  1. I liked the Atlantic article on the alternatives on the question “How are you?”
    I am currently doing a course as a Mental Health First Aider, and I have learnt how crucial and important that question is. The alternatives given in the article are great.

  2. Great compilation! I need to try that jalapeno chicken sandwich, and I think I have everything for it in my kitchen already! Planning to read the brain fog and “What To Ask…” articles when I have a few calm moments to focus. I reached out to more “random” people in the beginning of the pandemic, but they didn’t really pan out. I guess we lost touch for a reason!

  3. Those cheesecake bars sound really good. I’m not a huge cheesecake person as it’s too rich for me usually, but the bars sound good since they aren’t so dense/thick. I would need to make them when we could actually see other people and share food because it would be dangerous to have those in my house!!

  4. Those raspberry cheese bars might just be the husbands birthday cake I was looking for. Thank you!

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