What I read in April

A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara (★★★★☆)

Man, this book. I had such a hard time getting through it, partially because it revolved around such a heavy, dreadful topic (abuse, self-harm) and partially because I was frustrated by the plot. The writing itself was beautiful, one of the most beautiful writing I have read, and the parts about the human experience of relationships and friendships simply stunning, but at the same time, the first half of the book dragged for some reason and it was hard to keep track of the chronological order of things and from which perspective the chapters were narrated. It was also incredibly dense.

I still want to give this book a good rating, because man, what a story.

What did you read in April? Anything you’d like to recommend? Leave a comment, and then add me on Goodreads to keep in touch.


  1. I also struggled with this book but I think I also gave it 4 stars. It was beautifully written but such a sad, hard story to read! I read a ton in April and am on a strong streak for May. I think giving up social media kind of fixed my instinct to look at social media when I am bored/have downtime. Now I tend to read on my kindle ap instead, or read a physical book.

    Thanks for all the comments you left on blog posts from when you were traveling! I hope you had an amazing time in Germany!!

  2. Ugh, that book. I think your review is spot-on. It was beautiful, but hard to read. It’s long, it’s dense and it’s heartbreaking.

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