28: Friday Facts


I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving yesterday! J and I hung out at home for the most part, watched movies (+ Friends reruns!),  went for an early afternoon walk and then started cooking our own little Thanksgiving feast! We roasted a hen with stuffing, made homemade mashed potatoes (heavenly!) and brussels sprouts.  I’d say, dinner was a success…. it was delicious and we have plenty of leftovers that we’ll be nibbling on today! (No cooking, yay!).


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We usually boycott the whole shopping craziness on Black Friday, because I still don’t quite get how a holiday where you give thanks for what you have happens to coincide with the biggest consumer event of the year… but I’ll admit that I will be doing some online shopping today (and get some of the items on my Christmas list out of the way) and my goal is to preferably buy from small businesses this year.

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Speaking of which; if you’re still in need for some Christmas cards or other holiday items, today (and tomorrow) might be a good time to stop by our little shop FourHandsCreations and support small businesses this holiday season. We have some lovely items ready to ship, but are also open for custom orders, if you want to have something made just for you!


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We’re planning to stay in for the rest of the day, I’ll be crafting some more and probably overdose on Gingerbread coffee. If you don’t hear from me by tomorrow, send help (+ cookies!)

Have a great weekend!

  1. Both Thanksgiving & Jesus’s birthday being related to gift-giving always has seemed a tad hypocritical. Jon Stewart has a great segment on it. I only did a little Black Friday shopping for myself, I bought two pairs of jeans at Gap. I had been planning on getting them for awhile and they had 50% off deal, which meant one pair of jeans was completely free. Um, yes please?! But for the most part, I do my shopping slowly throughout the year. I try not to focus on deals, just what I think someone might actually like!

  2. sorry, I don’t know why I wrote “throughout the year.” I meant throughout the month! Haha. I’ll blame it on the low blood sugar I’m having right now…

  3. That looks DELICIOUS! Yum!

    We don’t usually do any Black Friday buying either because we think it’s pretty insane and ridiculous. But we did this time only because we had our eye on a piece of furniture we wanted to get and of course it was stocked near us and was on sale. But I bought it online and we picked it up from the store today (didn’t have to stand in line!).

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