Hi friends, sorry to bore you again with a nature photo for this week’s ‘Foto der Woche‘, but this stuff simply makes me happy! Here’s my favorite photo from yesterday and Glücklichmacher #40:
Devils Postpile National Monument (taken October 6, 2014)
I am lucky enough again that my work makes me spend another week in the field in one of the beautiful corners of California and two days ago, I got to check another thing of my (non-existent) bucket list: I’ve wanted to visit Devils Postpile National Monument for quite a while, but it was never “on the way” of any particular routes that I’ve driven in California. Well, I am working close by this week and we had a little downtime on Monday to go and admire this miracle of Mother Nature. Isn’t it just stunning?
October 8, 2014 at 9:00 amIt is stunning and you ARE a lucky girl :)
October 8, 2014 at 11:18 amWoah. I didn’t even know such a thing was around. What a stunning picture of it!
October 13, 2014 at 10:10 amnature is amazing. i’ll have to pay this national monument a visit one of these days!