Photo of the week: Mammoth Lakes, CA

Foto der Woche

Hi friends, another Wednesday, another  ‘Foto der Woche‘!

Here’s my  Glücklichmacher #38:


Mammoth Lakes, California (taken September 23, 2014)

I am on a work trip this week and get to enjoy this view for a few days. I really can’t say that I am mad about it, in fact, I love that in my field of work, I get to go on field trips every once in a while. I’ve been to some beautiful spots in California (and elsewhere) and the best part is: I get paid for it! Who would say no to that?

  1. this looks great and I wouldn’t mind going on field trips like that. I’ll be in Amsterdam next week, unfortunately inside the congress venue most of the day.
    Enjoy your view, Tobia

  2. I love a good change in scenery, especially when it’s so pretty!

  3. I wouldn’t mind having to see that every day either!! Happy weekend! xxx

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