Currently Vol. 9

Current Book(s):  Ahem. Does the IKEA catalog count? Have to start a new book soon.

Current Playlist: Shuffle on my iPhone. Quite the interesting mix.

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Lemon popsicles. What can I say? It’s a freakin’ 100 degrees outside.

Current Color: teal (a recurring favorite!)

Current Drink: Iced coffee.

Current Food: Caprese Salad with basil from my patio garden. Yum.

Current Favorite Show:  “The Newsroom”, a new HBO series. Seriously. Watch it. (If only Jeff Daniels didn’t keep reminding me of his role in “Dumb and Dumber”. Ah, why is my brain doing this to me? He’s such a good actor!)

Current Wishlist: A bike. I would really love a bike for this summer. I miss going on bike rides.

Current Needs: More hours in a day?

Current Bane(s) of my Existence: DEADLINES and a non-cooperating computer that won’t do what I want it to do. GAH.

Current Celebrity Crush: Ryan Reynolds. Can he make another romantic comedy, please?

Current Outfit: cropped pants, t-shirt, scarf, flipflops.

Current Excitement: A weekend in Southern California. I need some BEACH TIME. And possibly coffee with a friend!

Current Link: Check out Pick your plum, if you don’t already know it. They have awesome (week)daily deals on crafts and cool stuff.


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What’s up with you CURRENTLY?

  1. Just a few…
    Current Color: sunset coral

    Current Drink: Arizona Green Iced Tea

    Current Food: Caprese Salad with basil from my patio garden. Yum.(I am with you on that!)

    Current Favorite Show: I’m hooked on the Olympics!

    Current Wishlist: A trip to Germany!

  2. I’ve been meaning to watch The Newsroom! I wonder if older episodes are available on demand? Also, caprese salad is exactly what I want to do with my patio harvest! Great minds… ;)

  3. Icee Pops are keeping me sane this summer. And at 20 calories a pop, I don’t feel too guilty when I down 3 (or 4) a night!

    And yes on Ryan Reynolds. He always tops my list. Have you seen Just Friends? One of my all time favorites!

  4. i need more hours in the day too! :)

  5. oooh when are you coming to SoCal!?! i’ll actually be in the Bay next weekend, but it’s such a flutter of events right now but i’ll keep you posted.

    also, caprese salad. so much yum.

  6. Have fun in Southern California!!

    Current color is navy. Current (weekend) outfit is a jean skirt, t-shirt, and flats. Current food is fresh fruit and tomatoes from my patio garden. Current book is Wild by Cheryl Strayed (hoping it’s good, I’ve heard good things!).

  7. I am a huge fan of teal, and turquoise. Although I must say purple/violet seems to be my colour of choice these days.

  8. Amen to more hours in the day! But lets have them on the weekend, or else we may just have to work more hours, and that would be bad.

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