2012 in pictures: week 4

2012 in pictures: Week 4

Coffee @ the Weatherstone // one step closer // Sunset at my office //
Crocheting // tea with lemon // self-portrait //
pretty sky // veggie stir fry // my planne

  1. Did you start studying the questions already? Can’t wait to get the booklet :) Toi, toi, toi!

  2. The stir fry looks amazingly awesome!!!

  3. Wonderful pictures! Looks like you had a good week! xxx

  4. Good luck with your test! I was reading through that book once and some of those questions are HARD! Like I wouldn’t even know the answers!

  5. I love the weekly photo round-up. What a neat idea.

    When are you taking the citizenship test? Good luck with that! I wanna start the process soon… well, first the BBG.

  6. Best of luck with the citizenship test! I know you will do just fine!! The booklet is super helpful (and quite easy). Just stick to what they say.

  7. Hope your citizenship test studying is going well! You could probably teach us a thing or two!

  8. I love the colours in your crochet, and that sunset is just beautiful!

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