2012 in pictures: week 3

2012 in pictures: week 3

Lewis Black LIVE // Art in Sactown // morning in bed //
fresh bread // self-portrait // on strike //
chicken burritos // at the laundromat // morning sky

  1. This is a fun way to document the year! Me likey.

  2. Need the morning in bed. Have come down with the cold that is going around. Great pictures!

  3. I love the Köln mug! And is that an IKEA wardrobe in your bedroom? Because it looks suspiciously like the one I have in my current apartment… ;)

  4. I like your 2012 in pictures series, neat idea.

  5. Yuuum, fresh bread! I should really make a couple loaves of bread… hum, new goal to add to the list? hah! :)

  6. You had a great idea of sharing some pictures..Hope you had a great year of 2012..Keep on sharing some great idea..

  7. Love that laundromat photo – it’s super cute and retro looking.

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