29: A Christmas Wishlist

I saw some other bloggers share their Christmas wishlists again this year and I think they’re always kind of fun, so I put together mine. Those are all “would-love-to-have” wishes (ok, maybe except for the iphone 5 which we’re definitely going to upgrade to in January. I already decided with J that they’re going to be our Christmas gifts to each other :)), but my biggest wish is coming true already: our trip to Germany in a little over two weeks! I can’t wait to spend time with my family and friends!!


1.) Calligraphy Address Stamp. I ordered a stamp for a friend from the Etsy shop and I love it so much that I’d like to get my own. Isn’t it pretty?

2.) Purple Puma Speedcats. I KNOW, right? Aren’t those awesome! I just love shoes that are a little different.

3.) Anne Klein Watch. I used to have this watch. It was a gift from J a few years ago and I loved it. And then, I lost it on the beach on our trip to Half Moon Bay three years ago. I still can’t stop thinking about this watch and I think I want the same one again!

4.) A striped winter sweater. I am kind of obsessed with multi-color stripes right now and even though I don’t know where I can find this (or a similar) sweater (the picture came from a Google search), I’ll try to hunt one down for Christmas.

5.) Iphone 5. Like I said, we’re already pretty set that we’re going to get those for Christmas. Our mobile contract is up for renewal/upgrade in January and we’re going to get iphones 5 when we get back from Germany! Hooray!

6.) Clarisonic Skin Cleansing System. I’ve heard so many good things about the Clarisonic brush that I would really like to see what all the fuss is about. Also, if it would give me perfectly clear and soft skin, I wouldn’t be opposed to that at all!

7.) Jototes Camera Bag. I’ve been eyeing this camera bag for a really long time now. I’ve actually gotten the chance to get a real-life look at it, because a friend of a friend has it, and I just love it. It’s roomy, looks more like a purse than a camera bag, and is not too big to lug around.

  1. I LOVE those purple Pumas!

  2. I was just going to say that I LOVE that purse, but then I saw that it was a camera bag! Beautiful color!

  3. I have the Clarisonic Mia and I really love it! It makes washing my face much quicker and more consistent, and always leaves my skin feeling really clean but never dried out. I don’t know if it’s done much in the way of clearing up my zits, but that may have more to do with not finding the right face wash yet.

  4. I tried the link for the calligraphy stamp but it didn’t work. Can you tell me what ETSY shop you purchased it from? It is so cute! Thanks! :)

  5. There are some very pretty things on your wishlist… I’d go with a striped sweater and the pretty bag, too. Not to mention the iPhone – why is it just so darn expensive? ;-)

    I need to put together a wish list of my own soon-ish, too.

    Have a happy weekend!

  6. Ah, that stamp, I bet that’s the shop you meant! Love your list, I wish for a new watch as well! xxx

  7. I LOVE the address stamp; I’ve wanted to buy one for a while now, but since we aren’t sure if we will buy a house/continue renting its kind of tough to rationalize buying one. I can’t wait to buy one when we own!

  8. I love your list, I’ll take one of each too! That sweater is adorable!

  9. The shoes! They’re so you! :)

  10. Also, that camera purse!?! AMAZING!!! Definitely adding that to my wish list, too.

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