2012 in pictures: week 43

2012 in pictures: week 43

teriyaki chicken and zucchini pancakes // tea // my planner //
like my hoodie? // Greta’s birthday cake // zucchini-turkey burger //
apple pancakes // sunny // scrabble //

  1. die tasse is ja toll! (hab ‘nen tassentick)

  2. The zucchini pancakes and the apple pancakes look amazing!

  3. Yum – that zucchini turkey burger sounds delicious!! And I am envious that you played Scrabble! I haven’t played since I saw my grandma this summer!

  4. Great photos! :)

    Just discovered your blog, following you through bloglovin now :)

  5. Yummy food, lovely birthday cake and that hoodie is awesome! Looks like a wonderful week! xxx

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