12 changes: June goal

{via blue.sky photography}

Remember, when I told you in March that I had started the Fierce Love Course? Well, I kind of got stuck in week 2 and I’ve been trying to jump back on the bandwagon ever since. I don’t have any other pressing goals lined up for June right now, so I thought it would be a good idea to try and re-do (and finish) this course in June!

I mean, I know it’s good stuff. I know, it’ll benefit me. I know, I need this.

Why is it so freaking hard to make time for oneself? Why does it feel like a lot of the time I am only half-aware of all the good things that are happening?

I know what you’re going to say… I make plenty of time for myself, like going to brunches with some lovely ladies (and guys!) this weekend, making trips to Ikea and going to the gym. I go shopping for my niece and nephew (which is so much fun!), I read and spend quality time with J. Those are all good things, great things even, but fierce love is about focusing on myself,  and consciously and purposefully doing things that fill my tank, which also includes saying ‘no’. Sometimes deciding to not do something means doing something for yourself.

I want to me more conscious about the things I do for me, and only for me. I want to be fully aware and feel and enjoy every second of it. I wanna listen to the voice deep down inside of me. I want to consciously and intentionally do and I want to listen to my heart about what makes me happy.

Hopefully, by the end of this month, I will have a better grip on what it means to practice fierce love.

What is your goal for the month of June?


Come join us over at 12 changes in 2012

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  1. I love this idea, and I think it’s absolutely crucial to make time for what makes YOU happy. Can’t wait to hear more about your progress with this goal :)

  2. Oooh, I like this idea! I think it’s really important for people to take care of themselves first. I think people are often scared of taking care of themselves first because it’ll come across as being selfish. But, the reality is, if we don’t love or care for ourselves, how can we really love or care for anyone else?! (Oh, how I’ve learned that lesson being a parent!) I’ll be interested to see what you think of the course!

  3. I think the reason I, personally, put off making time for myself is that I don’t really know what I want to make time for. Figuring out what I like feels like a burden, so instead, I focus on everyone else or superficial things that don’t make me 100% happy (shopping, taking naps, vegging out in front of the TV).

    My goal this month is to put part of every paycheck into savings. I’m a month into my new job and I may not stay there, so I want to make sure I stow away as much money as possible.

  4. It really is hard to take time for ourselves… I felt guilty so much this spring when I said not to things due to my commitment to the CFA. It felt selfish and I felt like I had to justify my decisions… But it’s so important to take care of ourselves and give ourselves the time we need!

    My goal for June is to put the test behind me and enjoy life. Thoughts of whether I passed or failed are still plaguing me… I am trying to let it go, but it’s hard. Luckily I have lots of fun things to distract me – like a family wedding this weekend (my cousin is getting married!)

  5. Each year at the beginning of summer, I tell myself the same thing. I want to have more FUN. It’s hard when you think back to the days when you had summers off and it felt like there was all the time in the world to have adventures and fully live your life. Balancing all of the social events with the things I want to do for myself and, of course, working can be difficult. Still, I have the same goal: More fun. Less stress. Hopefully I figure it out!

  6. Excellent goal! I decided to start my Joy Equation this month too, so it looks like it’ll be a month of self-discovery for the both of us :)

  7. I agree that it’s hard to make time for yourself – to focus on yourself. I’ve started putting things for myself on my to-do list every day – ie bubble bath, reading time, writing time – whatever! But I still find that it’s the last thing I do, once everything elee on my list is checked off. I need to work on that! My June goal is to keep my plants alive. I planted them last month and they’re not doing so well …

  8. I’ve started putting things for myself on my to-do list every day – ie bubble bath, reading time, writing time – whatever. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I think this course sounds great! I think we have talked about this before (?) about how sometimes saying no to someone is beneficial in the long run even though you feel bad. That way you make time for a smaller amount of things that you really want to do and you put your all into those things, rather than trying to do too much and only doing many things halfheartedly. I am actually pretty good at saying no, but because of that, I probably have less friends. However, the ones I have are given my full attention! And “Me Time” is just as important (although it is hard to sometimes not feel guilty about it!)

  10. I have stalled on my Fierce Love course, too. I’m planning on restarting in July, when my trips are behind me and I can give my full focus to the course. I’m glad to see you’re jumping back into it and I just hope you get a lot out of it. :)

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